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Movie about Kursk?

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I read that book recently and the whole time I was reading it I was thinking how awesome of a movie it would make! Turns out the author's other book about Stalingrad is the one Enemy at the Gates was based on.

If it ever does get made I hope it is a little more epic/historical and little less cheese than Enemy at the Gates was.

A movie about Kursk done right, CGI tanks are ok with me, would be amazing!

Originally posted by Probert:

The book "The Last Citadel" might make Kursk a little more well known. It was real popular here in the states earlier this year. It even has female characters, the story of a father and son, a wounded Nazi Spainard in a Tiger and a whole lot of action.

SOmeone will option it.

Jordan "AstroCat"
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Originally posted by Glider:

I do not think we made a single movie about any battle outside Yugoslavia. OTOH, the ones we made are great, they have been making me laugh since I was about 10.

I have been trying to think of the name of a movie I saw part of on tv about 20 years ago. I think it was called Battle of the Drava River. I only got to catch the last 10-15 minutes of it, but it was either shot or dubbed in English even though set in Yugoslavia. I recall that Orson Wells was one of the stars. It contained an impressive amount of seemingly authentic equipment, including at least one Tiger tank. Does anyone have any information on this one? It may have been filmed by an Italian movie company. I'd love to see it all the way through from the beginning.


EDIT: I just found an answer to my own question here. The movie was actually called Bitka na Neretvi or in English The Battle of the River Neretva. It was made in 1969.

The reviewer claims that they used Shermans instead of German tanks, but as I said, I'd swear that in one scene it was a Tiger. Oh well...

[ December 21, 2004, 08:29 PM: Message edited by: Michael Emrys ]

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ok,, a movie about kursk might not sell, But a movie about an interesting character who just happens to fight at kursk??? This gets my sick and twisted mind working,, Someone mentioned female tank crews?? Lets avoid the cheesy propaganda film angle, Lets think about a character, Believable and ordinary,, and yes female,,,

Opening scene,, new poster praising the non agression pact of 39 goes up on a wall, female student walking past, stops and looks at the poster, says 'Bull****' and walks on by, Anna Kamnyencho, first year student at university of kursk, age 18, attends kursk school of engineering, ,,,, fast forward to 41, Anna is evacuated from kursk,, arives in moscow, enlists , and joins a new tank regiment, some minor combat in battle of moscow, sent east for more training,, etc etc,,,,, untill actual battle of kursk,, lots of carnage and military depravity, battle ends,, Anna is still alive,, fast forward to today,, old woman , ww2 vetran beaten to death by neonazi skin heads in kursk, haunting question,,, have the nazis finaly gotten what they wanted after all??

Would this movie sell???

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