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"The World At War" Tactic

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I was watching "The World At War" (the second tape)

In it, they are discussing the German/Engish battles in North Africa.

One of the commanders says something to the effect of :

"Advance with your tanks, then retreat and lure the enemy onto your own anti-tank gun lines"

Im thinking this one would just equate to getting your own tanked banged up and them spotting your AT as usual within 1 turn anyhow in CMBB.

As usual im a newbie , just throwing out a newbie question.

BTW: "The World At War" kicks ass , if you havent seen it go rent it. Probably the best WWII documentary i've ever seen, and probably the second best Documenatary i've EVER seen. (Second only IMHO to Ken Burns The Civil War)

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We have been watching the whole World at War DVD set start to finish. We just finished "Stalingrad", which is right after "North Africa".

Awesome series, just wanted to agree!


Originally posted by Troy Spiral:

I was watching "The World At War" (the second tape)

In it, they are discussing the German/Engish battles in North Africa.

One of the commanders says something to the effect of :

"Advance with your tanks, then retreat and lure the enemy onto your own anti-tank gun lines"

Im thinking this one would just equate to getting your own tanked banged up and them spotting your AT as usual within 1 turn anyhow in CMBB.

As usual im a newbie , just throwing out a newbie question.

BTW: "The World At War" kicks ass , if you havent seen it go rent it. Probably the best WWII documentary i've ever seen, and probably the second best Documenatary i've EVER seen. (Second only IMHO to Ken Burns The Civil War)

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Maybe just my bad luck, but I haven't been able to "lure" the AI into a trap. It either sits there with its tanks and pounds the hell out of my troops from afar, or makes a beeline for the flags with everything under its command, no coaxing required.

Also, in the rather small space of a CMBB battle, you really don't have far to go either way. Most AT guns I've used can range over the entire map (within LOS anyway), so no special trickery is required to get the enemy close.

Wen we have proper scripting in CMBB 4.7, then you'll be able to try some real armour tactics... :D

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It's really not possible to lure or trick the AI into much of anything. It's not quite smart enough to be tricked, if you see what I mean. On the other hand, it's also somewhat predictable, so once you know its habits, you can often anticipate its behavior.

Humans can be tricked/deceived, OTOH. We're just smart enough for that....

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It can work against human opponents tho!

But as has ben pointed out it's a bit difficult with smaller maps.

None-the-less I'm doing it in a game right now - nast T34's'ssss have KO'ed a bunch of my P3's and -4's, the survivors ahve retreated a bit and now the "front line" is PAK's.

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