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Cut-off units in operations

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Hola. This is my first post here after a few weeks of lurking. I recently bought both CMBB and CMAK and started with BB. After I began emerging out of a few scenarios as what could be called a victor in the widest possible sense of the word, I thought I might try an operation.

The choice fell on "Blitzkrieg" and I picked the germans. After the first battle I noticed that the shifting of the set up zones didnt work as advertised in the manual.

It is exactly the problem that was covered here:


Units which are cut off/cought in no-man's land cannot be moved around but - in difference to the manual - are not absolutely padlocked and can be withdrawn to the friendly setup zone. However, as far as I can tell these units did not recieve supply. The consensus in the thread went that it might be a feature, but since it still documented the same way as in the CMAK manual I'd like to give it another humble whirl.

Personally I would prefer if it worked as in stated in TFM, since one player could escape with a whole plattoon carefully pocketed in the previous battle. Thanks in advance for any answers.

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As I can't find a question, I can't answer.

But if you are a bit annoyed that you can redeploy cut-off troops in ops - yes, same over here. What is worse, the AI does it (ok it needs every advantage it can get). What is really bad is the AI just moves those forces backward till in the main setup zone and if you have chosen the fixed setup option it just drops them where they are, not positioning them. So if you play the AI and know where they will appear, you can try to have them in bad cover in the next battle.

BTW - there are lots of other threads on ops and this problem.

But we know we won't get another patch and the problem should have been noticed by BFC.



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Originally posted by Joachim:

As I can't find a question, I can't answer.

So if you play the AI and know where they will appear, you can try to have them in bad cover in the next battle.

Yes, that is exactly the problem I (or rahter the AI) face. It places their withdrawn infantry in nice open places...

But thanks, all my (obscure) questions have been answered: It is a common bug/feature, it is known by BFC, and cannot be helped when playing vs. the AI.

Danke für deine Zeit, Joachim.

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Originally posted by Dauphin:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joachim:

As I can't find a question, I can't answer.

So if you play the AI and know where they will appear, you can try to have them in bad cover in the next battle.

Yes, that is exactly the problem I (or rahter the AI) face. It places their withdrawn infantry in nice open places...

But thanks, all my (obscure) questions have been answered: It is a common bug/feature, it is known by BFC, and cannot be helped when playing vs. the AI.

Danke für deine Zeit, Joachim. </font>

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