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Do you get a better AI game without FOW?

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I was reading another thread and it spoke of turing off FOW so that both sides see everything on the board.

I have noticed in my gaming against the AI, that it tends to run hither and tither to wherever my units pop up and he can sees them. He sees an inf unit in trees A, his units move toward it to destroy it. That unit disappears or is destroyed and the AI sees another unit in trees B, and now moves toward it.

Would the AI play better if it saw all your units and made "decisions" based on your entire force?

Or am I asking too much of the AI?

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The AI might play better, and then again, it might not.

But either way it would be a terrible game.

Solitaire Fog of War is one of the few tangible advances of computer games over board games.

Why would you want to turn it off, except on a lark?

Just remember that the AI doesn't usually attack very well. But it can sometimes mount a very credible defense. If you want to be on the receiving end, find some live opponents.

Note that revealing yourself a bit here and a bit there is how you lure a live opponent into making a lunge that they otherwise shouldn't have. Women have been practising this for years. I've also heard them comment that shoot and scoot is an age-old male tactic. Wouldn't know about that myself.

[ January 11, 2005, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: Philippe ]

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You make excellent points (trying not to reveal too much about my own shoot and scoot, ;) ).

I wonder if the defensive AI would be less prone to abandon excellent dug-in positions around a flag when I take a different flag, if they saw all my units?

Discussion item.

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