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Would this be a good enhancement - optional turn durations?

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I was reading the debate about borg spotting, and somebody mentioned having longer turns (e.g. 3 minute turns instead of 1 minute turns).

So I was wondering if having a turn duration option has ever been considered, and if you guys would think it would be fun? I could see how it could be a very different experience to play a big map with large forces with 3 minute turns. Instead of just 60 minutes (60 1 minute turns), the battle could be set to 90 minutes (30 3 minute turns). I think a game like that would make me feel much more like a commander of a battalion, than 12 or so platoon commanders. I also think it would minimize, to some extent, the all-seeing-eye problem.

But I suppose the tac AI would need to be altered quite a bit for this to work right. For example, I can picture a platoon of men move into contact with a company of men at the start of a 3 minute turn. Supporting the platoon is a tank that is supposed to stay hidden until needed. Well 3 minutes later the platoon is dead or useless, and therefore the tank is no longer needed for support, because the tac ai wasnt smart enough to move the tank 25 m and provide covering fire. But then again, how long would it take a platoon of men who needed tank support to have that message relayed to the tank. Probably more than a minute (assuming in 44 - 45 platoons could radio directly to a supporting tank). So maybe it would work.

Anyway, I wouldnt want to play every game like that, but I think it would be a fun option. What about you guys?

[ July 22, 2003, 09:38 AM: Message edited by: Cpl Dodge ]

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I guess you could say already have that option. It's called not issuing new orders as you cycle through three turns! Give it a try, see if you've got the willpower to pull it off. I believe someone once posted that they prefer to issue/change orders for early Russian tanks just once every-other turn in order to simulate degraded C&C with no radios, so you're not alone in wanting longer turns.

Me, once my me are engaged I want to jump in about every 10 seconds to help my little guys out!

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I think I could have enough control to not do it if I wanted to, but when I get into a game, I control my men as much as possible. But I think I would like being forced to be more like a company/batallion commander than I do with just 1 minute turns. Futhermore, since I typically only play against humans, this would keep from having to depend on the honor system.

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