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They may sound cheesy but they are great!

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3D glasses.

I've played on and off with them for over a year and they certainly add something to the CM experience. Reading the terrain becomes so much more instinctive and you really get to appreciate the effort that the Battlefront boys put into the vehicle and gun models.

Anyhow I just broke them out again for CMBB for the 1st time in a city battle and the effect is superb in those close confines - the rubble, broken buildings and limited LOS are transformed. If you toggle back to 2D you start to wonder why you ever watch a movie in 2D.

For those interested I have these, which were fairly inexpensive (it is all relative) and have proven robust. Runs fine on a GeForce 3 video card and Nvidia directly support the necessary video drivers. Recommended:

3D glasses

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I've tried using that sort of 3d glasses with CMBO.

It was great for feel of terrain, but 2d stuff like text, order lines and unit bases seemed a little out of place.

I also had a way too slow computer to use higher resolution or flip-screen.

Recently I tried to use anaglyphic stereo with CMBB.

It sort of worked, but the colours were off and the problems mentioned above exaggerated.



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Hi Olle,

Yep the 2D text (except the command bar) and unit selection / movement with the mouse don't really work in 3D mode so plotting orders is best done in 2D - which is a simple on/off hotkey toggle. No reason I guess why this could not be simply fixed in CMII without impacting those playing in 2D. That would be really cool & truely groundbreaking as far as I know. If Steve and Charles want something to make CMII even more revolutionary - this is it!

By the way Olle I must thank you for what is still one of my greatest turn-arounds in a PBEM. German armored attack into a small snowy village held by the Brits with 1 Sherman (bogged uselessly early), a bunch of AT guns and a company of Infantry. Things are getting deperate with a lot of stand-off HE coming in. As a final nail in the coffin 4 Panthers rumble forward through scrub down left wing (as expected) and hit a minefield - 3 immoblized in ~20 seconds and the brave Tommys snatch a draw from the jaws of imminent defeat. I may go back and watch that in 3D.....

e-mail me if you want another PBEM sometime....

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The 3D glasses are supported by most of the video display chipsets (i.e. cards) apparently - if that is what you mean. Most games with 3D graphics (i.e. most these days) are therefore supported and work better or worse depending on exactly how they are implemented and the game play. I've run FPS and flight sim games successfully but it seems to work most impressively in CM.

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