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Paper Tiger

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yes, he had 2 only grenades the turn before (and orders to hide), decided to use one, immobilized the Tiger.

Next turn decides again to unhide despite orders (I was bringing back my last squad of engineer with demo charges to finish off the tiger - no need to waste a HQ), throws the second grenade, blast the Tiger.

It was not a good day for my opponent. 3 dead tigers. One to 90mm AA, one to a hidden engineer squad, and one to a lone hero. :rolleyes:

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Hmm. This leads me to wonder: (1) can a grenade fit easily through the driver's slit on a Tiger and (2) why were these expensive and crucial vehicles not equiped with periscopes for the driver, or for that matter, were they? I don't think they were because I remember Forest Gump firing his Thompson through the Tiger's driver's slit in Saving Private Ryan.

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Thank you for your response Denwad. That certainly puts those questions to rest. However, it leads to a third question: is it possible IRL to disable a Tiger with a single grenade? And, if so, how?

I presume that it is by the simple fact that CM allows it to happen. I remember soon after I purchased CMBO, in one of my first games, a Red Devil in Arnhem managed to knock out a Tiger that was situated on top of the bridge by throwing a grenade--from the ground level no less.

I suppose this is pushing the game mechanics somewhat as it has been said that CM is modeling an individual actually running up to the tank rather than actually lobbing the thing as it appears to do. That being said, I am still left to wonder where the soldier would place the grenade so that it would knock out a Tiger?

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