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Panzer IVH Question

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I am updating an old JorgeMC PzIVH camo mod to incorporate the new textures introduced by BFC in v1.02/1.03.

My question concerns the running gear. Is the default running gear accurate or do I need to replace it with the modified sprockets that Dressler put on his IVJ mod.

I have searched the internet but cannot come up with the answer. Any help appreciated.


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Originally posted by Limey:

I am updating an old JorgeMC PzIVH camo mod to incorporate the new textures introduced by BFC in v1.02/1.03.

My question concerns the running gear. Is the default running gear accurate or do I need to replace it with the modified sprockets that Dressler put on his IVJ mod.

I have searched the internet but cannot come up with the answer. Any help appreciated.


according to the illustrations in the Osprey book "Pz IV Ausf G, H and J 1942 - 45" the Ausf H has four cast steel return rollers as does the J (although there is a drawing of one version of the J with three top return rollers). The main deifferences I can see between the J and H are the J has two flammentoter exhaust system outlets on the rear hull as opposed to the Hs' cylendrical muffler.

Hope this is of some use. By the way the ISBN number for the book is 1-84176-183-4

Cheers fur noo

George Mc

Cheers fur noo

George Mc

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