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V102 Tank not firing at building

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First time I have noticed this and wondering if anyone else has seen it. Odd behavior which I can't explain.

It happened in a version 102 PBEM game. I had a non-hulldown T-26a artillery tank target a light two story building at about 107 yds with about 40 yds of the LOS through scattered woods. He never fired the entire turn. He has plenty of ammo. He was buttoned up. He also had the infinite 180 degree armored covered arc in addition to the targeted building. One friendly infantry unit was about 18 yds from the building and basically along the LOS of the T-26a.

Has anyone else seen this or have an explanation for the refusal to fire?

I cancelled the armored covered arc and am moving the tank forward about 20 yds and will see what happens. I would like to see him contribute his fair share to the battle.

I also noticed that the the Pz 38(T)E displays a panther icon in the bottom of the screen interface.

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Your problem is most likely the friendly infantry unit near the target building. Units will refrain from executing an "Area Fire" order if there is a friendly unit close enough to the target area to be potentially injured by friendly fire.

I've never actually tested how close is 'close enough' for this behavior to manifest (and logically it should vary depending on the power of the weapon used), but an infantry unit within 18 yds. of an area target being hit by 76.2mm shells is certainly within the danger zone.



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Originally posted by Martyr:

I may be wrong (I'm not at home where I can check), but doesn't the T-26 carry a 37mm gun? Buildings are tougher in CMBB, and smaller-caliber guns can't hurt them. I've had a 37mm-armed halftrack refuse to fire at buildings for this very reason.

Hmmm... I use the 251/10 to area fire a buildings all the time. It may not be able to cause all that much damage to be building, but with it's high ROF, it actually does a fairly good job of suppressing the infantry inside. I suspect that your HT isn't firing at the building for some other reason.

To answer your question about the T-26's armament: Most models of the T-26 are armed with the 45mm/L46 gun. However, the T-26A "Artillery" tank is armed with a 76.2mm/L17 Howitzer. It's a rather rare (by the time of Barbarossa, at least) close-support version of the T-26.



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To Yankee and Ken,

NO it does not matter if INF are around.

It does not matter if INF are close even. I am having the same issues as the topic starter. You area fire a building, IF YOU CAN SEE IT, see that thread, and the tank does not shoot all turn.

IF he does shoot, it's always short, and consistent, blasting away 30m short of building. I will go get a pic of the shortness into my men. I have this pic of when I did shoot and it's all tightly grouped short, over 2 turns.

i have another topic about seeing past buildings but can't shoot at the building. That has been maddening to me. I don't really know how to post a pic however, sorry. I took a pic though. 2 turns where it paniced 2 sqs approaching.

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