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Size matters?

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Well now i have got you attention how big is your CMBO BMP file? :D

As we all know it is possible to create some huge folders. :rolleyes: Currently mine is 640mg, with not that many mods loaded. I have two questions relative to this point.

This being does the size of the file influance the speed of the game in loading by much? and has anybody zipped their files as suggested in the CMMOS instructions to reduce the size of said folder. If so was it very time consuming, and what problems were encounterer if any. ;)

Thanks Red

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I'm sure my CMBO .bmp folder is well over 1 Gigabyte. Never went back & zipped anything, it's all extracted and full-sized (heh heh). I wouldn't think it would really affect performance, since the game is always looking for the same .bmp #'s regardless of CMMOS, folder size, etc.

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Well size does matter for loading time of course, as a larger file takes longer to load, but you were referring to size of the bmp folder itself right?

Not being a software expert in any way, I believe numbers rather than size matters there. I could be - and probably am - wrong, but it seems to me that the more files I have in the bmp folder, the longer the loading time.

Let's just point out again that I am as sure about this as I am about the weather next year smile.gif



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