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Player-Made Scenario Swapping?

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Not sure I understand your question, but you might want to visit The Scenario Depot


which has hundreds of scenarios for each of the three games. It's pretty much where all scenarios end up getting posted. There's also a link in the resources section.

The Scenario Depot has a very useful search engine, so if you want to play a given size battle between particular forces at a given moment in time you can enter that in and a list of choices pops up (e.g. Wehrmacht Mechanized vs Soviet Guards, historical, small battle, June-October 1944).

Other sites to visit are Der Kessel, Boots and Tracks, and The Proving Grounds.

[ January 11, 2005, 06:01 AM: Message edited by: Philippe ]

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Linkie for The Proving Grounds.

Note that scenarios here are in "beta" status - i.e., they are still under construction by the scenario authors and are looking for feedback by players to help them finish developing them. The scenario itself will play/work just fine, it's just that the author is unsure if the scenario is balanced or if it is even an interesting subject. Feedback for them is always welcomed!

There is also an opponent finding section to the site, for finding others to play via email or TCP/IP with.

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