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Multiplayer versus the AI

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An old miniatures gaming friend of mine and I recently began a CMBB operation in which we "play on the same side" versus the AI, exchanging saved game files by email.

CMBB is not really structured for this, and we've had to improvise our methods smile.gif . I'm curious if anyone else has tried this, and if so, what their methods might be.

[ November 19, 2005, 09:32 AM: Message edited by: Interlocutor ]

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In our method, we don't :( , which is why I wondered if anyone else has tried this; maybe someone else has a better method.

The sequence we use goes like this:

Player#1 issues orders to his troops, saves the game as "TurnX_A" & emails it to Player#2.

Player#2 opens "TurnX_A" and issues orders to his troops, then saves the game as "TurnX_B". Then he clicks on "Go", watches the "real" TurnX movie, clicks on "Done", issues his TurnX+1 orders, saves the game as "TurnX+1_A", and emails both "TurnX_B" and "TurnX+1_A" to Player#1.

Player#1 can then open TurnX_B and watch an "unreal" TurnX_B movie by clicking "Go", but it's not the "real" movie, random events will fluctuate (alternate history? ;) ); this gives an interesting Fog of War flavor to events smile.gif . He then quits the TurnX_B file, opens TurnX+1_A and issues his own orders for TurnX+1. Then he saves the result as "TurnX+1_B", clicks "Go", watches the "real" TurnX+1 movie, clicks "Done", issues his TurnX+2 orders, etc.

The sequence reverses each turn, so each player gets to watch a "real" movie every other turn. The same method, by extension, could work for any number of "allied" players, though only one of them, the last to issue his orders, would get to see a "real" movie each turn.

We'd like to figure a way to let both players see a "real" movie, but I don't think that's possible :( . With the imminent release of CMC, we want to practice our "ersatz teamwork" ;) ...

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Originally posted by Scheer:

Will have to check this out with two friends.

What amazes me is how good (and inept) my friends are. Just because someone can beat you, doesn't mean they don't have glaring flaws too. Simply dividing up the battlefield works fairly easily. But trying to divide up, say by platoons, is maddening.

The tactical AI already ignores you to a limited extent, but nothing like a human can. In a fluid battle, I tend finally to group my platoons into a coherent mass because it's easier than trying to time the rush on the woods with even the oldest friends. Such behavior would probably get me court-martialed though. tongue.gif

But the ongoing discussions about what you see and what you think will happen next remind me of happy Saturdays pushing minatures and discussing life. (Still miss the potluck lunch though.) ;)

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