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Graphics Engines..

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Guys, if you really want CM:BB look better, play with 1600*1200 resolution. It shows a lot of detail. And if resolution doesn't make enough difference, you should download some hi-hi-hi-hi-res textures.

Now you are comparing IL2-Sturmovik strategy game to CM:BB? They are very diffrent games. IL2-S sold a lot comparing to CM:BB. That's why IL2-sturm group has much money to spend on graphics.

And I think IL2-sturm will become something like Sudden Strike.

Allthough the only thing I'd like to see in CM:BB/Some other CM is that 12 soldiers are represented as 12 soldiers instead of 3.

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Originally posted by hardcampa:

Nah that could very well be a screenshot.

What I'm wondering is whether the graphics is fake 3d (isometric view, in effect 2d) or real 3D.

The graphics in those screenshots are UGLY though.

Maddox Games is doing the graphics the right way in their upcoming title (well codemasters now):


I recall BFC saying that they were going to try and get better graphics than those in the next game.
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Here's what I think:

Those C&C3 images are all with the "camera" at the same angle, and at the same zoom level.

Unless you can move the "camera" around freely in height and direction, as you can in CM, then for all practical purposes it's 2D and less of a hog on the hardware.

The IL-2 pictures look like paintings and not like the real thing.

There are also very little troops in them. What happens when you have two or more infantry companies supported by a tank company in fairly close view?

My own experience with IL-2 is only the demo, and there AFVs seem to be pretty low in detail as you fly by...

I think BTS has really hit the right level of hardware requirements for both CMBO and CMBB. These games can easily be played on a computer that had moderate performance (for a new computer) about two years before the game came out, which I'd say is a very good approximation of what many of BTS' intended customers have. (With "intended customer" I mean the typical 30+ year old family father and wargamer that rarely, if ever, play computer games, but have a computer forinternet surfing and work.)



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When I first played CM I thought the graphics truly sucked. I've since discovered that they are far more immersive than just about any other game I've ever played. Part of the reason why they suck is part of the reason why they also rule, they allow the development of a fantastic modding community that do us all such a great service.

The ability to lock onto a specific unit and view the battle from the viewpoint of that unit is fantastic, I still get a kick out of it. The modifications made in CMBB that let me do that and revolve the camera around the unit as though I was still riding the tank and turning my head has added a lot for me.

I sometimes have problems working out line of sight in games, especially when the possible location of the enemy is some distance off. I don't seem to have much of a sense of distance, even with gridded textures.

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First, I like CMBB as it is, and Battlefront already stated that their next game will have an amazing graphics engine =).

Second. The pictures aren't from IL-2, the pictures are from the WW2 RTS that Maddox (the creator of IL-2) started. Now I think it's pretty much in the hands of Codemaster and Maddox are working as consultants.

The pictures are from the real deal ( not a real version but the engine is working ).

The engine is using pretty much the same code as the next sim from Maddox, the Forgotten battles expansion to IL-2 will use. Of-course this will prolly change as it gets further developed.

I just wanted to clarify that I don't praise the game other than that it got great graphics so far. If the gameplay sucks then the game sucks. =)

Originally posted by Olle Petersson:

The IL-2 pictures look like paintings and not like the real thing.

There are also very little troops in them. What happens when you have two or more infantry companies supported by a tank company in fairly close view?

My own experience with IL-2 is only the demo, and there AFVs seem to be pretty low in detail as you fly by...


[ January 12, 2003, 08:50 PM: Message edited by: hardcampa ]

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