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Greetings All, I've been playing CMBO for about two years, and for Christmas received CMBB, And CMAK.

I've played all the battles and Operations Ad infinitum, and would REALLY love to use some of the Operations and Battles and Operations Available.

Here's the kicker, I'm over 35, and computer challenged. If any of you kind people could explain to me in plain Queens English how to download and run operations, Etc, I'd be eternally Grateful. Remember KISS-Keep It Simple Stu...

In Other words, I would really appreciate step by Step Instructions on this. Again, My thanks To All.

I'm at: jwja@telus.net. Again-Danke. Now-Schnell Marsch!

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Lets see now you say you've played all the Operations and Battles, and would really love to to use some of the Operations and Battles and then Operations available.

WTF are you saying or asking here. :confused:

And also since you have as far as you know played all the Operations that are around to infinity you would like to learn how to download and run Operations. :confused: :eek:

Maybe you could take another stab at that in say American or Canadian english so we can understand what the hell your trying to ask or comment on.

If your a spammer fishing for an email address, I got a lot more suggestions for ya.

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Go to a website called CMMODS at cmmods.com. It's the site where most mods get posted these days but that's not why you want to go there.

To use the site you'll need to register. It won't cost you anything and it is well worth doing. The registration and log-in are rumored to be a device to deter bandwidth thieves.

You'll need to choose a handle (most people use their BFC handle) and a password. Do not use your BFC password -- use something else.

When you log in you'll be asked for your handle and password. You'll also notice that there is a tiny box in the lower left-hand corner of the pop-up that asks for your handle and password. This is probably the only site on the internet where you will want to check that box. Checking it means that it will remember all your details every time you log in. You'll still have to log in, but at least you won't have to worry about forgetting the silly password.

The next step is to make sure you have a good book handy. The site that you are about to log into is slow. Really slow. But worth every second of it.

When the screen eventually clears it will be divided into two sections. The main one in the middle which won't make any sense to you, and a small column on the left. The small column on the left will eventually give you three choices: CMAK, CMBB, or CMBO. Click on CMBB.

After you've read a few pages in that book you brought along the screen will have cleared again, and the left-hand column will now be an abbreviated menu of choices. One of these choices is search, one is newest mods, one is search by designer.

I'm not going to tell you the most efficient way to go about doing this, because the search engine on that site is really slow. The second most efficient way involves looking under a particular designer's name, but then you would have to navigate through a couple of options and I can't remember what they are.

So I'm going to tell you a very inefficient way to do this, but it will be very easy to remember what you are doing and why.

Click on Newest Mods. After several pages of reading your book the screen will load. What you're looking for probably isn't on that page, but if you keep moving backwards to older pages of Newest Mods you will eventually find what you're looking for. My guess is that you'll have to go about four pages back.

What you're looking for, by the way, is a series of about half a dozen zip files that contain the entire contents of a collection of all the scenarios and operations from the now defunct Scenario Depot. The files that you are looking for are named Scenario Depot Salvage, and they are listed under the mod designer padivine (they aren't mods and I'm not the designer, but the site is set up that way). What you'll end up with when the process is finished is over a thousand scenarios and operations for CMBB. [And yes, there's something similar for CMAK and CMBO, but that's another story].

With your book propped open on your lap, and a bag of munchies and a good drink in easy reach, left click on the first of the Scenario Depot Salvage files. A box will pop up asking if you want to download the file. Say yes, and it will point you somewhere inside your computer.

If you've never done anything like this before, my advice is to make sure that whatever you download does not get lost rattling around loose inside your computer. So when the pop-up appears look at the left hand side of it and press on the "My Computer" button (it will probably try to default to "My Documents", and you don't want it to do that. So take the little box into My Computer, and then navigate from there to your C: drive and then to Program files. Inside the Program Files folder you should make another folder called whatever you want, though I would suggest Scenario Depot Salvage. You can do this step before you try to download, or you can do it from the download pop-up (the little picture of a folder with an asterisk in the upper right hand corner of the box is how you do this, but you may not want to try this the first time out).

However you managed to get there, you have now told your computer to download a zip file into a folder that you have made called Scenario Depot Salvage. There are about half a dozen folders, and depending on how fast you read you'll get through a chapter or two before you're done. You'll find that you need to have a separate folder for all of this because after a while you'll be staring at the screen trying to figure out if you've remembered to download all the files, because the silly things all look alike...

Let us assume that you now have a folder with half a dozen zip files. Now you have to unzip them. The key question is whether or not you have Winzip installed on your computer. If you're new to computers it is quite possible that you don't, in which case you'll have to go out and get it. This is easy to do. You go online and do a Google search under the word "Winzip", go to the site, and follow most of their instructions. Trial copies are free, and that is what you want to download. As far as I know everyone in the world uses an unpaid trial copy, which is bad news for the company.

I'm not going to explain how to unzip files because if I did this post would turn into War and Peace. The explanations that come with the program are fairly self-explanatory, given that they were written by computer engineers.

After a few false starts you will eventually figure out how to unzip something to a specific location of your choosing (don't ever let your service provider tell you where you ought to store things on your computer). When you're sure you have all the zip files that you need, unzip them all into a single folder (you can name it Salvage). You'll have a folder with an awful lot of files in it. Click on Edit, then click on Select all, then click on Copy. The thousand-odd files will now have been selected and copied.

Minimize the folder you were in, and get yourself to C:\Program Files\CMBB, which I am assuming is the address you are using for CMBB. Inside the CMBB folder you'll see a bunch of other ones, including one called Scenarios. If you paste the 1000 plus scenarios and operations that you just copied into that folder, you'll have a lot more to play with than when you started.

A word of advice. You might want to make a copy of your original scenario folder to keep in a safe place before you start adding things to it. You'll quickly discover that many scenario designers have terrible graphic sense when it comes to naming things, and that your scenario menu will look downright ugly after you dump all those scenarios into it. You'll eventually find yourself hankering for a nice, light-weight scenario folder with even few scenarios than you started with orginally. When you've tried wrestling with a 1000 + scenario folder you'll understand what I mean.

By the way, as far as I can tell the Scenario folder can handle an unlimited number of scenarios, so if you don't see something after you've copied and pasted, you're doing something wrong.

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DEY-My Apologies, I meant to Say I'd like Assistance in learning how to download Additional Operations which are available on various CMBB Fansites, Etc. You're quite correct, My typing confused me when I re-read it just now. PHILIPE-Thank you, I shall try your suggestion. I'll let you know how it goes.

I Appreciate the comments and helpful Suggestions, And My thanks again. Regards-JHW

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Originally posted by DEY:

Lets see now you say you've played all the Operations and Battles, and would really love to to use some of the Operations and Battles and then Operations available.

WTF are you saying or asking here. :confused:

And also since you have as far as you know played all the Operations that are around to infinity you would like to learn how to download and run Operations. :confused: :eek:

Maybe you could take another stab at that in say American or Canadian english so we can understand what the hell your trying to ask or comment on.

If your a spammer fishing for an email address, I got a lot more suggestions for ya.

DEY-My Apologies, I meant to Say I'd like Assistance in learning how to download Additional Operations which are available on various CMBB Fansites, Etc. You're quite correct, My typing confused me when I re-read it just now.
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Originally posted by Philippe:

Go to a website called CMMODS at cmmods.com. It's the site where most mods get posted these days but that's not why you want to go there.

To use the site you'll need to register. It won't cost you anything and it is well worth doing. The registration and log-in are rumored to be a device to deter bandwidth thieves.

You'll need to choose a handle (most people use their BFC handle) and a password. Do not use your BFC password -- use something else.

When you log in you'll be asked for your handle and password. You'll also notice that there is a tiny box in the lower left-hand corner of the pop-up that asks for your handle and password. This is probably the only site on the internet where you will want to check that box. Checking it means that it will remember all your details every time you log in. You'll still have to log in, but at least you won't have to worry about forgetting the silly password.

The next step is to make sure you have a good book handy. The site that you are about to log into is slow. Really slow. But worth every second of it.

When the screen eventually clears it will be divided into two sections. The main one in the middle which won't make any sense to you, and a small column on the left. The small column on the left will eventually give you three choices: CMAK, CMBB, or CMBO. Click on CMBB.

After you've read a few pages in that book you brought along the screen will have cleared again, and the left-hand column will now be an abbreviated menu of choices. One of these choices is search, one is newest mods, one is search by designer.

I'm not going to tell you the most efficient way to go about doing this, because the search engine on that site is really slow. The second most efficient way involves looking under a particular designer's name, but then you would have to navigate through a couple of options and I can't remember what they are.

So I'm going to tell you a very inefficient way to do this, but it will be very easy to remember what you are doing and why.

Click on Newest Mods. After several pages of reading your book the screen will load. What you're looking for probably isn't on that page, but if you keep moving backwards to older pages of Newest Mods you will eventually find what you're looking for. My guess is that you'll have to go about four pages back.

What you're looking for, by the way, is a series of about half a dozen zip files that contain the entire contents of a collection of all the scenarios and operations from the now defunct Scenario Depot. The files that you are looking for are named Scenario Depot Salvage, and they are listed under the mod designer padivine (they aren't mods and I'm not the designer, but the site is set up that way). What you'll end up with when the process is finished is over a thousand scenarios and operations for CMBB. [And yes, there's something similar for CMAK and CMBO, but that's another story].

With your book propped open on your lap, and a bag of munchies and a good drink in easy reach, left click on the first of the Scenario Depot Salvage files. A box will pop up asking if you want to download the file. Say yes, and it will point you somewhere inside your computer.

If you've never done anything like this before, my advice is to make sure that whatever you download does not get lost rattling around loose inside your computer. So when the pop-up appears look at the left hand side of it and press on the "My Computer" button (it will probably try to default to "My Documents", and you don't want it to do that. So take the little box into My Computer, and then navigate from there to your C: drive and then to Program files. Inside the Program Files folder you should make another folder called whatever you want, though I would suggest Scenario Depot Salvage. You can do this step before you try to download, or you can do it from the download pop-up (the little picture of a folder with an asterisk in the upper right hand corner of the box is how you do this, but you may not want to try this the first time out).

However you managed to get there, you have now told your computer to download a zip file into a folder that you have made called Scenario Depot Salvage. There are about half a dozen folders, and depending on how fast you read you'll get through a chapter or two before you're done. You'll find that you need to have a separate folder for all of this because after a while you'll be staring at the screen trying to figure out if you've remembered to download all the files, because the silly things all look alike...

Let us assume that you now have a folder with half a dozen zip files. Now you have to unzip them. The key question is whether or not you have Winzip installed on your computer. If you're new to computers it is quite possible that you don't, in which case you'll have to go out and get it. This is easy to do. You go online and do a Google search under the word "Winzip", go to the site, and follow most of their instructions. Trial copies are free, and that is what you want to download. As far as I know everyone in the world uses an unpaid trial copy, which is bad news for the company.

I'm not going to explain how to unzip files because if I did this post would turn into War and Peace. The explanations that come with the program are fairly self-explanatory, given that they were written by computer engineers.

After a few false starts you will eventually figure out how to unzip something to a specific location of your choosing (don't ever let your service provider tell you where you ought to store things on your computer). When you're sure you have all the zip files that you need, unzip them all into a single folder (you can name it Salvage). You'll have a folder with an awful lot of files in it. Click on Edit, then click on Select all, then click on Copy. The thousand-odd files will now have been selected and copied.

Minimize the folder you were in, and get yourself to C:\Program Files\CMBB, which I am assuming is the address you are using for CMBB. Inside the CMBB folder you'll see a bunch of other ones, including one called Scenarios. If you paste the 1000 plus scenarios and operations that you just copied into that folder, you'll have a lot more to play with than when you started.

A word of advice. You might want to make a copy of your original scenario folder to keep in a safe place before you start adding things to it. You'll quickly discover that many scenario designers have terrible graphic sense when it comes to naming things, and that your scenario menu will look downright ugly after you dump all those scenarios into it. You'll eventually find yourself hankering for a nice, light-weight scenario folder with even few scenarios than you started with orginally. When you've tried wrestling with a 1000 + scenario folder you'll understand what I mean.

By the way, as far as I can tell the Scenario folder can handle an unlimited number of scenarios, so if you don't see something after you've copied and pasted, you're doing something wrong.

PHILIPE-Thank you, I shall try your suggestion. I'll let you know how it goes.

I Appreciate the comments and helpful Suggestions, And My thanks again. Regards-JHW

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Well I guess maybe I should apologize for my tone, but everything about your post smelled like a spammer fishing for email addresses, lately they have been sneaking onto this site to a degree.

Though I did wonder afterwards whether you meant that you have played all the battles and operations included with the games, but it's just that you say you've had BO for several years, but are just now posting on this site.

It all just seemed a little suspect to me.

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DEY-I only recently found time to resume playing CMBO, CMBB, CMAK on a semi-regular basis, and found to my dismay that I'd played the supplied battles and operations to death. I'd seen the Battlefront site many times of course, but because I'm rather computer challenged, and because I'm usually reluctant to do anything on the net, I had in the past refrained from attempting to utilize the help offered via Battlefront. Frustration and hope of assistance overcame my reluctance, and I am very pleased. No worries about the tone of voice, can't say I blame you. Thanks to both you and Philipe, I really appreciate the comments and assistance. Regards and thanks-JHW (BCGOVT)

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Well now that we have all that squared away, welcome aboard.

Another fairly common place to download battles and op's is at a place called the proving grounds,


though these scenarios and OP's are in a beta state, the idea here is that you download and playtest them for the authors, then post some feedback on how things played out for ya, thats what the general idea is but it seems very few bother to post feedback, they just use the place to download stuff.

You can also use the place to find opponents to play PBEM's and TCP battles against.

Also the guy running this site is working on a whole new place for people to post finished scenarios and OP's for the general public.

Lastly since ya been directed to Cmmods, I gather you see all those mods to vastly improve your visual appeal of the games, don't be shy about asking for any help in that regard.

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DEY-Again, My thanks! I found the "proving grounds" and am looking forward to trying some of those Items, and posting feedback. (after I work through the 1000 or so I got from CMMODS-Thanks Philipe!) Also found a "Blowtorch Scenarios?" looks good too. I shall scream loudly if I require further assistance, (Don't be surprised!)and shall double check my typing! smile.gif

Thank you again, cheers-JHW (BCGOVT)

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