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Dumb (?) question about extracting 1.03

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I apologize for what seems to me to be a stupid post here, but I am not sure if I have been able to successfully extract version 1.03.

The download seems to have worked, but when I click on the application icon I get a message to the effect that I need to unzip certain files BEFORE running the patch.

Fine, I click "unzip." It SEEMS to work, and states that 56 or some such number of files have been successfully unzipped. The program files folder for SC now contains the wordpad file describing the new changes.

But when I try to run the patch again (having now unzipped files as instructed) I merely get the same prompt about needing to unzip the files FIRST.

The thing is, it does not seem as if 1.3 has been installed. None of the changes discussed in the forums appear to have been implemented. (i.e. Odessa with port, a Russian Black Sea Fleet in Barbarossa) Nowhere does it indicate in any menu or screen as to what version or patch is currently running. Most programs, of course, seem to have a notation somewhere as to what version is currently running,

I feel stupid for asking, but I am wondering if I have succeeded and do not in fact realize it. Is there any way for me to easily figure out if v1.3 is up? And if it is not, how do I get it to install in the light of the fact that I can never get past the message telling me to unzip the files FIRST.

Any help or advice would be much appreciated!

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CM (I like your moniker BTW)

The version number is on the lower right side of the title page where you pick your game choice.

Personally, I have not been able to get either version of 1.03 working correctly, tho the install goes OK. I've been bleating about it all over the forums as you may have noticed. redface.gif

Hopefully, it's not just my problem and Hubert will address it in due course...

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