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Buying a French HQ: Is it worth it?


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My opinion is that it isn't. The french HQ's seem to be pretty crummy and very expensive (three corps worth!).

I can only think of two exceptions where it might make sense, but even then I question the value. One is playing against the AI where the Axis gets no experience bonus and that doesn't really count. The second is if the Allies to the Dutch Gambit (a questionable strategy in any event).

But I have read that others do actually buy one. I am not just sure what it's effectiveness is.

If I understand the rules correctly (though I never read them), without an HQ in france, the french are at about 66% readiness/supply. With a French HQ, I am assuming that it will help five units be at a higher supply of around something/something, but I don't know what that is. Am I right on this?

Look forward to opinions/thoughts...Thanks

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When I play vs Human I always try to escape with and HQ, the Airforce unit and a couple armies... But everyone knows I find the free french sorta romantic. Those units if used properly are useful in deterring an Axis invasion of Britian. Let's face it against a good Axis player you need all the help you can get. France is going to fall no matter what...the question for me is can I buy enough time to get some useful units out.

It also allows you to attack Algieria and Iraq with French Troops. Freeing up Brit's for Norway.

The French HQ ( Billote of course)actually fights pretty well after gaining some experience ( on par with the Italians for sure) but you've got to get it out of France.

I look at the French as sort of a B.E.F with teeth. Without an Hq the Free French forces might as well be garrisions( especially in Africa).

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Major Billote,

I still don't think it works. I don't think your purchases could stand up to an agressive player like obnoxious ox head (i forget the name), or me. You won't have time. And the time is the key.

As allies, I would love to buy one to shore up my defenses. As Axis, I would love for you to buy one.

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(Brian) You may be right...I can beat the computer handily on +2 with either side but I'm not ready to take on the Elite human players. Still it's very hard to invade England when Britian uses the "coastal corp defense strategy". 6.0 is whole new ballgame in the med because you can't sucker punch the Italian fleet. I definately have some homework to do. I'm just to busy with work to do it!!! I won't even attempt to take you on until I take on JJ. Still I mostly play with my friends here in Chicago and my brother ( we've played these games together for over ten years so he's no slouch). Truth be said I'm not a big fan of the PBM or Lan (it takes to long). I like the head to head competition and taunting ( and beer drinking) that goes on during a Hot-Seat Match.( I'm old school like that) I would imagine that if there was a hot-seat tourney with timed turns that different players would come out on top.

[ December 21, 2002, 08:28 PM: Message edited by: General Billote ]

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I like purchasing a French HQ because it goes well with my no counterattack defense...I find that by just reenforcing my units, and not attack, they hold out much better since thier entrenchment levels are maintained and only reduced gradually...every turn that France survives helps the overall allied cause.

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Mr Wagner,

I appreciate the strategy, but when do you have the time to buy the HQ. When I play allies, I'm buying French corps as fast as I can. First to change out the Maginot, then to build a unit or two for the defense against Italy.

The first turn, I can't buy anything. The second, third and fourth, I have 3 corps in the Maginot and my secondary defense ready. By that time the Axis have taken poland and have started pounding me.

So when do you have time to buy the HQ, and actually, how effective is it?

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To afford an HQ, the french player needs to sell their air fleet. After all, the air fleet will be outdated and not do much good if sent to England.

It is worth having a french HQ on turn 3-6 in France. Entrenched french armies and an HQ will prevent axis for a few turns. The french SHOULD be backed up with UK corps behind, to prevent axis from breaking entirely trhough the line.

When france (Paris) is beginning to fall, withdraw the french troops first since they will be wiped out when France falls. Hold Paris (with an entrenched candian army!) until the fleeing french are on their boats to england then save the UK troops.

In my last game, as allies, i managed to escape with 3 french armies and one french HQ. That enabled me to entrench in all UK cities with HQ supported french armies. Sea-lion was then no threat and i could afford the luxury to send troops to Egypt.

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