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Cold War General using Strategic Command

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Here is one screen shot.


Start of Cold War General Campaign (player is NATO).

There are many screen shots and notes, etc., here for both NATO and Warsaw Pact versions of this campaign (actually two campaigns):

Cold War Campaign - NATO view

Cold War Campaign (Warsaw Pact view)

Special thanks to Hubert for his guidance and feedback on this long project.


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"1985 Red Inferno Resurgent USA" Campaign is a frightening depiction of the Cold War that echoes Sir John Hackett's "The Third World War" as well as Tom Clancey's "Red Storm Rising". I have used references such as the "The Cold War - A Military History", "Atlas of American History", "The Enclyopedia of World Sea Power", and other sources on Cold War History to make this campaign as historically accurate as I know how to do at this point.

Many units are understrength, depicting typical peace-time combat strengths and OOBs that are usually brought up to strength during combat. It is your job to build them up if you feel it necessary. Ships vary considerably in strength, not because they are under construction, as I did in my most recent "1939 Fall Weiss Revisited", but because ships of different navies vary considerably, and it was the best way to show this. A 3500 ton cruiser just isn't as good as an 11000 one.

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I have added just about every aircraft carrier, battleship, battlecruiser, cruiser, destroyer, nuclear or diesel submarine that was in service in 1985. I have added land units and air units for all of the countries involved, as appropriate. So even Algeria, for example, has armies and an air fleet. At the start of this campaign, there are approximately 65 NATO and 60 Warsaw Pact naval units - some representing up to 10 ships each - giving approximately 250 ships total.

There are approximately 40 air units at the start of the campaign. You'll also get strategic bombers, tactical air forces representing F-16s, F-15s, Mirages, Tornados, MiG-23s, MiG-25s, MiG-27s, B-52s, Vulcans and more.

And there are probably about 130 land units to start off with. Even the Pershing IIs and SS-12bs are represented here.

The list of naval units includes the following and more...:

NOTE that notation such as "Trafalagar x 4" means that there are 4 Trafalagar class submarines represented. I have done this for submarines, destroyers (represented by cruiser class units) and selected light cruisers. I have also represented ASW carriers as cruisers (e.g. Vittorio Veneto, Jeanne d'Arc, Moscow). The "x" number is going by memory, since it is difficult to toggle back and forth between the game and here for documentation, so it may not be exact.

Albania (Alb.): several submarines

Algeria (Alg.): Romeo x 2

Belgium (Bel.): -

Bulgaria (Bulg.): Romeo x 2

Canada: Iroquios x 4

Denmark (Den.): Ula x 3

E. Germany (E. Ger.): -

Egypt (Egy.): Whiskey x 6, Romeo x 6

France: Clemanceau, Foch, Suffren, Colbert, Duquesne, Jeanne d'Arc, Tourville, Rubis x 4, Agosta x 4, Daphne x 4

Greece: Type 1200 x 4

Israel (Isr.): several submarines

Italy (It.): Garibaldi, Vittorio Veneto, Andrea Doria, Caio Duilio, Audace, Animoso, Enrico Toti x 4, Sauro x 4

Libya (Lib.): Foxtrot x 6

Netherlands (Neth.): Tromp x 2, Zwaardvis x 4

Norway (Nor.): Kobben x 5

Poland (Pol.): Kilo x 2

Spain (Sp.): Dedalo, Agosta x 4, Delfin x 4

Syria (Syr.): Romeo x 2

Turkey (Tur.): Type 1300 x 4

UK: Illustrious, Ark Royal, Invincible, London, Sheffield x 6, Antrim, Glamorgan, Type 82 x 3, Type 42 x 4, Swiftsure x 4, Valiant x 4, Trafalagar x 4, Oberon x5

USA: Vinson, Nimitz, Kennedy, Kitty Hawk, Forrestal, Tarawa, Iowa, New Jersey, Long Beach, Leahy, Bainbridge, California, Virginia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Truxtun, Belknap, Ticonderoga, Adams x 5, Coontz x 5, Spruance x 3, Kidd x 5, Los Angeles x 10, Permit x 4, Sturgeon x 8

USSR (Sov.): Kiev, Baku, Moscow, Leningrad, Kirov, Frunze, Slava, Sverdlov x 3, , Kynda, Kresta I, Kresta II, Kara x 4, Kashin x 3, Udaloy x 3, Sovremeny, Echo I x 10, Echo II x 10, Charlie I x 10, Charlie II x 10, November x 8, Victor I x 8, Victor II x 8, Victor III x 10, Oscar x 2, Mike x 1, Sierra x 1, Akula x 1, Alpha x 4, Romeo x 10, Foxtrot x 6, Tango x 5, Kilo x 10, Juliett x 10

W. Germany (W. Ger.): Hamburg x 4, T206 x 10

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Incredible piece of work, you are to be congratulated. Hubert's masterpiece is amazingly adaptable, especially by such creative individuals such as yourself.


Thanks for taking the time and making the effort!!!

[ July 20, 2003, 05:20 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Thank you for your very kind words. Let us hope that the campaign can live up to your expectations. I think that Radovan Nesic's icons that he is working on for this campaign will make this much more interesting - since my icon work is very poor.


Actually, your fantastic campaign is what inspired me to do this. What follows are the design notes from the Readme.txt file included with the campaign.

Warm regards to both of you.


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This campaign has taken almost one month to make. Play-testing took much longer than anticipated, even while spending hours on weekends and way too late at night. smile.gif But I am pleased with the result, and hope that you will be too.

This campaign is more difficult as the Allied powers - at least for the conquest of Europe. But then, who knows? Interestingly, the Soviet AI had almost exactly the predicted results against me for a long time, until finally I was able to start to turn the tide as NATO.

It never even occured to me that the Cold War could be modeled using Hubert Cater's excellent Strategic Command, though I really wanted to do this, until I saw Carl Von Mannerheim's "1962 Red October" Cold War campaign. [Note: If you like this campaign, then please see his too. It is really terrific!] The problem that I was running into is that using the Campaign Editor, it is impossible to make the USSR fight the other Allies, which was the basis for the Cold War. What Carl Von Mannerheim did that I found ingenious is that he simply set Germany to substitute for the USSR. He also set some of the minor countries to be American or British so that they help depict political friendliness and allocate resource points accordingly. I followed his lead and did the same. So I made Spain, Turkey, Norway and Italy all green (American). Israel and Denmark are blue (France) and the rest - Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Canada, Greece, etc., are tan (British). Spain and Turkey were originally tan the way I had them set up, but after play-testing, I decided that it was more realistic to have them be American. All of the nations of Eastern Europe, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Albania, Yugoslavia, Syria and Iraq are all red (USSR). Note that I was not able to change the real owner according to the game engine. So even though Turkey starts out American, if it gets captured by the USSR and then liberated by the US, it will go back to being tan (British).

The campaign starts in 1939 (substituting for 1985), of course, since the game engine currently only allows WWII dates, and this gives you the maximum amount of time to play.

I have checked the campaign for play-balance, and it appears to be well-balanced. In fact, the first couple of turns, I found that the resource point totals for both sides was almost exactly the same.

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I didn't have a clue that someone had done this.

As a part time participant in this Forum, I have obvioulsy missed out on something big.

I would ask for a link to your 1962 Scenario.


*doffs hat*,

*bows gracefully*

You, sir, are amazing! My compliments!

[ July 20, 2003, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Hey, anyone remember me? I just started playing Strategic Command after a long hiatus away from the game. In case anyone cares or is interested, I have a few more unit bitmaps. A T-34 version of my good old WWII units is now complete. I also have the whole kit and kaboodle modified for the 1962 mod (all vehicles, ships, aircraft, rockets, etc. have been modified to fit the later time scale). Included in that are modified hex sprites, light hex sprites, strength sprites, medals, and flags replacing all gray German hexes and such w/ Soviet red. Whenever I get around to it, I'll zip them all and send them to CvM if he'd be kind enough to put them on his website for downloading. Again, the units are a modification of my WWII version which are modifications of Moder's Aid 'Flat' Tile Sprite. The medals are a modification of Gds_Starfury's medals and the hexes are modifications of Martinov's, I think. Anyway, I'll try to put those together and see if CvM will upload them to his site sometime over this next week. First, though, I want to playtest them (I know they'll work, I just want to see how they look).

Logan Hartke

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