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U-Boats Vs. Allies in Game


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In the demo I tried a U-Boat campaign to test it out. I am wondering how the deduction of points from the enemy's economy is calculated, it seemed random somewhat. I am wondering if they have accurately represented (and having only played the demo I don't know yet) how much an aggressive U-Boat campaign against the U.K. would reduce their economy. Also what hexes constitute "at sea" for U-Boats? Does placement affect interception of enemy supplies, for example, if I'm near an enemy port do I have a better chance at interdiction?

I am anxious to read the rules. When we played Advanced Third Reich it was a favored strategy for the Axis player to make a *combined* attack on the British empire and knock her out of the war as quickly as possible by strategic strangulation (not invasion). I'm wondering how the rules govern capitulation of the U.K.

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I don't think you can get England to surrender without an invasion and conquest of the mother country but I'm not completely sure.

The economic strangulation strategy you speak of was what I was going to try first as the Axis but I'm not sure if it will work in this game. After the fall of France I was going to go full bore in the Med and capture Malta and then Suez. In 3R this would have really hurt England but it doesnt seem like it will be quite that bad in SC. It also seems that Malta has been beefed up and is harder to take then it was in earlier versions of the demo. In 3R there was a very compelling reason to want to capture Malta if the Axis wanted to pursue a major N. Africa campaign; namely; the limit on German forces that could be sent there until Malta was taken. I think it would be a good addition for a patch to SC if some sort of force constaint were imposed on the Germans in N. Africa until they capture Malta. I really want a compelling reason to go after that small piece of realestate. As it is now, it is still nice to get but the price is prohibitive. The thin front along the entire Med coast in N. Africa also make the N. African gambit a difficult prospect. Sure cant wait to try it in a few days though.

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I'm sorry you cannot strangle UK by a U-boot siege!

First of all you must sunk Home Fleet. To do it you need a large amount of Air Fleets in Normandy and an HQ to supply planes. Otherwise your subs will no have a long life. Further is better you spend your money on eastern front where Russia incomes are more than yours!

Better in Mediterrean:

Immediately after Italy intervention move all italian ship to Alexandria to strike british fleet.

When all british navy are sunk place two italian subs near Alexandria, then buy other two subs and siege Gibriltar. This grand a UK loss of 15 MPP.

Then, when you can, buy two or three germany subs and place a siege to Liverpool and you can strike a british loss of further 40 MPP.

But this is the maximum I achieved...

About Malta... Simply ignore it!

First think to Russia. Only after URRS surrender you can have a sufficient amount of air fleets and MPP's to use against Middle-East and North-Africa... and against Malta too!

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