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Minor Country MPP's


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Is this a bug? Let's say after France falls, the German player invades Spain. Doesn't take it the first turn; Britain winds up getting those MPP's. It also seems to work that way near the end of the game, when the Allies start liberating countries: Britain gets the MPP's for those, even if it they were liberated by the Americans. (I can't remember what happens to countries that Russia liberates.)

Well, I'm playing a game now where the Axis player has conquered England. America and Russia are at war with the Axis, and he's invaded both Spain and Turkey. That's a fair amount of MPP's that should be going to the Allies, but aren't; neither Russia nor America is getting any benefit. And my guess is that should they start recapturing minor countries, they're not going to get any then, either.

Was this set up on purpose this way, or is it just an oversight?

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That's a good point. The same is true for Canada. Their MPPs go to waste once England is gone. I'd like to see Canada's MPPs diverted to the US (or USSR if USA is not yet at war). Canada did send some vehicles to Russia through lend-lease after all.

arby wrote:

my guess is that should they start recapturing minor countries, they're not going to get any then, either.

A major who liberates a [Edit]major[/Edit] will get the MPPs from the cities, mines, and oil wells it takes. But if another ally frees a city later (not the capital), the ally who liberated the capital gets all the MPPs. You need to be careful who takes the capitals. smile.gif

So if England takes Palermo before Italy is liberated, it gets the MPPs from that city. If the US then takes Rome and liberates Italy, all the MPP production (including Palermo) goes to the US. And if England then takes Venice, the US still gets the MPPs because they freed Italy.

But you're right about minors, unfortunately.

[Edit:] Edited to correct the above.

- Chris

[ August 19, 2002, 08:21 PM: Message edited by: Wolfe ]

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The difference comes from whether you are "liberating" or "conquering" a country.

A minor country which is conquered by (for example) the Axis and then later liberated by the Allies sends its MPP's to the U.K.

A minor country which is taken over by the Allies without ever having been in Axis possesion, however, sends its MPP's (and its plunder) to whichever allied country is in possesion its capital at the time of its surrender.

A major enemy country is always treated as a conquest, sending its treasure to the enemy who occupies its capital when it surrenders.

A "liberated" major country, of course, retakes control of its own MPP production.

I assume that minors "liberated" by the Axis send their MPP's to Germany, but I don't know that for sure.

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