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RYDER CUP PBEM Kurt88 & Disorder


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Oh yeah almost forgot: to modify campaign:

-open campaign editor

-open Fall Weiss scenario

-edit camaign data

-change mpp start values (100 for UK,800 for Russia)

-save campaign under new name e.g. Rydercup

[ August 16, 2003, 03:37 AM: Message edited by: kurt88 ]

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if i have to edit the game you sent me, forget it.... :D we go w/o the bonus.

oct 1 1939

apparently normal turn ;) kurt88 appears to only be using the southernmost airfleet in poland. at the same time a dow vs. denmark.

reinforced denmark, moved to better defend poland.

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-open campaign editor

-open Fall Weiss scenario

-edit camaign data

-change mpp start values (100 for UK,800 for Russia)

-save campaign under new name e.g. Rydercup

Kurt, do you think that would work with the game already started? He'd need to put the .sav file into campaigns, where it would have the wrong .??? and wouldn't be recognized. Or am I wrong on this?

[ August 17, 2003, 02:20 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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if i have to edit the game you sent me, forget it.... we go w/o the bonus
Edit the game before you open my turn,I think that's how it should done.I never played PBEM before,let alone with a bidding system.

Here's what I did : I edited the Fall Weiss campaign according to the bidding (Uk=100,Russia=800), then played my turn and send it to you.

If I'm doing something wrong,please let me know, I don't know better. :confused:

I have visited Bruxelles twice. Great beer from Belgium....Stella Artois is my absolute favorit beer....jupiler aint bad also...

Jupiler is by far the best!! smile.gif
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Axis Turn Two,

Denmark falls after combined attacks by air,water and landforces.Copenhagen not yet occupied.

In Poland a firm defence around Warsaw has been established,but German Forces are not impressed!

Frech air down to 1, two polish corps severly punished.

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thanks for the info and the confirmation on the bidding. as kurt 88 said, ive never done the bidding/editing stuff. just sounded like kurt wanted me to edit :D

now back to the real world!

oct 15,1939

turn 4 allies sees poland reinforcing it's corps/armies and settling in for the long haul. copenhagen corp destroyed, but vacant.

u-29 destroyed, u-30 down to 50%

lc next turn?

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Axis Turn 3

Nazi's march in to Copenhagen,Denmark surrenders.

Polish resistence still tough for Army group East,1 panzer and 2 armies took out Polish corps.North of Warsaw another one is damaged.Germans withdrow forces from Polish front for future operations.

The Fuhrer complains about acute diarrhea,headache and anxiety attacks.

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back to the game!

this is nov 12, 1939 so i think it is supposed to be turn 6 for me...

Dunkerque and Rodney finish off damaged wolfpack.

warsaw still protected by modlin & poznan. they redeploy and reinforce. warsaw has not seen battle yet and entrenches. paf attacks panzers se of warsaw, with no damage reported.

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Nov 26 1939

Hitler is somewhat reassured when he hears that Army Group East destroyed a Polish Corps that was blocking the way to Warsaw.A little smile curles around his lips when he hears more good news:Warsaw Corps reduced to strenght 1,entrenchment brought down to 0.

Strangely enough an RAF unit was spotted right east of Warsaw,German troops suspect it there only to delay attack on Warsaw.Thus Bock ordered to ignore it and focus on Warsaw.

Polish air still hiding in Northeast Poland attacked German panzer to no avail.

On the western front al stays quiet.Though in the whispers of the night,troop movements can be heard.

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feb 4, 1940

yeh what happens....

you show poland your best.support em. send aid/men to them. ONE LITTLE THING HAPPENS! like their capital/government falls. and what do they do?? CAVE IN! :D

italians next turn

russia @ 42%

BEF lands next to brussels

Billotte orders strict rationing of ammo and supplies

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11 february 1940

Heavy air fights over French border,UK throws carriers and RAF in the battle,both sides take casualties.One British army destroyed just south of Brussels.French Army holding the line next to it is reduced to five.

Italy enters the war and invites neighbouring Canadians,British and French to come eat spaghetti.

Malta appears to be abandoned.

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