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Does AI have a Tech Strategy?

Edwin P.

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I can't seem to figure out the AI Tech Strategy, or if it even has one.

1> I played a Game against the AI and the Russians had Rockets Tech2 but never built any rockets. Why did it invest in rockets?

In other games it appears that the human gets advances faster than the AI. Does the AI invest only 1 chit in a research area, or will it invest 2 or 3?

I would also like to know if the AI picks its techs randomly or does it pick from a set of canned tech strategies designed for that Nation.

2> Also, when seriously pressed - ie Moscow about to fall, Axis units surround London - the AI will never cash in their research chits to buy more units. Am I correct?

Any insight from Hubert or other players would be greatly appreciated.

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From what I've observed, there is a random element to the AI research strategies. Some techs like Jets and IT tend to get priority across the board, and some national modifiers seem to influence things (like rockets for USSR but not for Italy).

The AI does not generally have an aggressive research strategy; Germany buying maybe 3-4 chits and Italy only 1-2. If you edit the scenarios to provide more at-start research, the AI will use it and maybe buy some more, but not a lot more.

Overall the AI research is adequate and sufficiently random, but there's always room for improvement. ;)

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Thanks for the news on the Russian rockets, I have always seen the Russian research rockets but never buy any to use in combat. I was was thinking what a waste of MPPs and what a stupid AI.

Bill Macon,

I agree that the AI is not aggressive in pursing/managing tech investments and that it could use some fine-tuning.

Example: Sometimes I will disband the UK strategic bomber to finance Jet Research on turn 1 and the AI never does this, even if it sunk my subs (which it never goes after unless they move).

I would like to see AI rules where;

1. If X Units approached within X hexes of its capital and it was outnumbered X to Y it would reclaim its tech to buy units.

2. If Tech Level 5 is reached (which the Russians occassionly reach in Industrial Tech), the AI sould reclaim its industrial tech points. Now it appears as if it does nothing when tech level 5 is reached.

You could fine tune this with a 100% to reclaim at tech level 5, 60% to reclaim at tech level 4, and 20% to reclaim once tech level 3 is reached.

I say this because I often reclaim my tech investments later in the game if I have a tech advantage over the opposing force.

This would give the AI more MPP points with which to buy/reinforce units and it would mimic winning human player strategies. In addition, it would be a shock to the human player who is used to seeing that the AI only has 400 points to spend only to see it suddenly rise to 650 before being spent.

[ March 25, 2003, 05:55 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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