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Strategic Command HQ - Bad News

Comrade Trapp

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I have just been notified that one of the servers used by our hosting service has gone down and has suffered a major loss of data.

The server that went down was Server 2, I don't know what server we're on but from what it looks like, chances are we were on Sever 2.

The following was posted by the hosting service on their support forum, they are working as we speak to recover what they can.

Post 1:

There was some data loss on Server 2 tonight. I am working to recover the data and hope to have server 2 back online Friday. I am not certain how bad the data loss is but I hope to recover it all.
Post 2:
The data loss was bad, but I am working to make is painless as possible for everyone. Currently the most likely situation is the following:

[bad News]

All s2 boards will be reset to their default settings (the settings can be changed in the ACP).

All s2 boards will have generic forum names (example: Forum 1, Forum 2, Forum 3) with default preferences and the forums will start as visible only to the admin. All forums will be placed in 1 generic Category. [This is so that posts in private forums do not suddenly become public]

All boards will start off with the default groups and emoticons.

All of the following were lost: attachments, word filters, board rules, portal links, calendar events, contacts, PMs, custom emoticons, custom image macros, moderators, and polls.

Depending on the age of your s2 board you may have lost some posts. New boards lost no posts, medium aged board may have lost all or most, old boards lost their newer posts.

[Good News]

All topics are ok.

Stats for a board are ok.

All boards still exist.

All admins will be recreated.

The board directory will still work for s2 boards.

Server 3 will start acccepting registrations today.

Skins are ok.

Multi-mods are ok.

User Titles are ok.

The Store/Shop is coming soon.

There is a small, but not tiny chance that groups, members, and forums can still be recovered. If they could be recovered most boards on server 2 would be back to close to normal.

Server 2 will be back online tonight. I apologize for the major problems this will cause many of the Server 2 boards. I am working to make this be as easy to recover from as possible. If any Server 2 board owners need any help in recovering from this, please let me know and I will be gald to help wherever possible. We will be implementing new steps on Servers 1, 2, and 3 to prevent this from happening again.

More to follow......

Comrade Trapp

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"Oops, Kuni is homeless now!"

Kurt, which is kind of sad ... :D

Les Agreed, hope it stays in tact when we get back, I'm looking forward to Kuni's next post on the Michael Jackson and Luxembourg post.

Comrade Thanks for the update; I'm very opimistic about the whole thing.

Surely Fate isn't cruel enough to forsake our Swedish buddy twice. On the other hand ... :confused:

I already miss that goat chasing madman. If we ever get back in, we should rechristen the site as KuniWorld! :cool:

[ November 21, 2003, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Well, the good news is it's back up.

The bad news is it didn't remember me.

The worse news is, when I tried to register it scold me for not using the Phrase "Simon Says..."

When I said, "Simon Says, please let me in." It said, "NO! Come back Monday or Tuesday!"

Meanwhile I heard poor Kuni inside screaming for help. :(

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I have to ask what kind of server service is that?

No daily incremental back-ups with one full weekly back-up? That's unacceptable.

And if they do have that and still lost data, obviously they did not do their back-ups or they have a really crappy set-up.

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Those that went also stayed, it was only a matter of having a greater range of topics at HQ and fewer restictions. As far as I'm concerned this has always been the place to discuss SC game topics, while the new site was the place to get into everything else. The two sites were combining well and will do so again.

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