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The Gathering Storm: A Strategic Command AAR(prelude)

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The Gathering Storm: A Strategic Command AAR

By Carl Von Mannerheim

Ok, this is my first time doing an AAR, im gonna try to write this in different perspectives, tell me if you like this format. I can always try something different.

It had been 14 short years since the treaty of Versailles banished the German people into the depths of obscurity and poverty. With elections taking place every few months and their economy in shambles, the Germans look for any chance of hope, and redemption against their oppressors. Even the breadbasket of their economy, the Ruhr has been occupied by the French. Then in 1933 A new chancellor, Adolf Hitler promised an era of prosperity, in the next two years the seeds of the new German army were planted.

In 1936, the Sudetenland was incorporated into the New German ‘Reich’. In England, one man who had seen the new leader as a threat to Europe and the world, went unheard. Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty during the Great War, spent his limited time which he was allotted on the floor of the house of commons, preaching the dangers of an unhindered German buildup and an unprepared Britain. One year latter, the german army marched triumphantly into Austria, Hitler’s country of birth. Again, these militaristic actions go unpunished by France and England. Churchill, again warns that these acts are a sign of what is to come, and again, his warnings fall on deaf ears. This action is repeated again 1 year later, in 1938. This time, the whole of Czechoslovakia, with some of the best defenses in Europe, falls without a shot being fired. Signed away by Neville Chamberlain, Adolf Hitler, and other politicians looking to cover the own mistakes


Chamberlain returns to Britain declaring ‘peace in our time.’

Churchill is again ignored. Yet his statements that only a few years ago, seemed a farfetched scheme to return him to relevancy in British Politics, now seem more and more likely.


Then in one last shock to the world, on August 28, 1939 the Fascist Dictator Hitler and the Communist Dictator Stalin, seemingly sworn enemies, sign a non-aggression pact with each other. Making them De-facto allies. The fate of Europe seems in doubt. The remaining free countries prepare themselves, as summer turns into Autumn, and August turns into September, the shaky peace in Europe is about to explode into total war………..


[ November 01, 2002, 07:06 PM: Message edited by: Carl Von Mannerheim ]

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Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

Chamberlain returns to Britain declaring ‘peace in our time.’

While Hitler returns to Berlin declaring, "I have seen them at Munich, they are little worms." Thus the stage is set for one of the bigger "DOH!"s of all time. Somewhere right up there with the "kicking the door in" thing. :D
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Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

<snip>.... did you like my lead in to my upcomming AAR's?

Yes, however, I believe you gave a poor showing to the Fins, who come tothink of it, were not shown at all. Honestly, you're slipping CVM...


BTW, did you get Winter War yet... just watched it for the first time. (well first 2/3rds) It's worth the gander.


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