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Civilization 2

Comrade Trapp

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Civ III is very good and with an excellent upgrade patch and improved scenario editor that can be downloaded from this web site:


You need a fairly current fast machine with a lot of memory to have the game flow properly, but to me this is the best strategy game to play against an AI.

Civ II was a fine predecessor, but I hated watching the damn barbarians wander in to destroy goody huts. I used to really enjoy the advisers cutting in, with Stormin' Norman always telling me to build barracks and the others always bickering with each other. There's no talking council in Civ III, but the advisers are more useful in other ways.

Activision's Civ II Call to Power is also very good, though somewhat predictable game. The computer players have the annoying practise of building scores of settlers which they send out, unprotected, with reckless abandon. I'd put it between Civ II & Civ III, but it has some interesting concepts, such as undersea cities!

Getting back to SC, I'd have to say these Civilization games are very different.

[ October 18, 2003, 10:13 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I'm playing a lot of Civ3 lately as well John. Great game... the AI is no pushover!

I can't manage on Godly. I usually go with Monarch and I have after a friends suggestion done away with Saving Game. Which some of us don't realize is a game fix tongue.gif I am such an anal about my Empire I can't stand to see something ambushed or destroyed after it's taken me 10 hours to build it! tongue.gif

It's a very fun game and it's a shame that Civ3 isn't really MP material. I know it would be addicting plus in later years it's very easy to win. The Modern Armor strategy never fails and nothing can stop it...

and knowing that hurts the game a lot so you have to enjoy it before the modern era pops in

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I am not sure I could indulge you.

I have Civ II Test of Time. Is this the same Civ II which you refer to?

I also have Civ II Call To Power, slightly different beast. A 6 of 1 half dozen of the other argument though.

I liked how with Civ II Test of Time I got the original game, plus a scifi version and a fantasy version all in the same program. I played that all the time till Civ III came on the scene.

Civ III has gone multi player though. I like how Civ III will trash your butt even on the easier settings if you don't use your head.

Civ II Test of Time was a bit easier to beat, the AI was not as nasty to deal with somehow.

Until SC came out, I was inclined to think Civ was the only grand strategy game worth comment out there.

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It's not that we're no fun. We're old and tired. I just took my Geritol and I still feel tired. I'm sure we were all fun a fun a few years ago; alright, maybe not a few years ago, but possibly a few years before that ...

At a certain point in life having a good time means sitting on a folding chair out in the sun, enthusiastically oggling passing females between naps and conversations about rheumatism.



Same here, usually I hit esc when a barbarian jumps one of my unprotected workers. One thing I really hate is the game keeps jumping all over the map. I'd prefer a system where it stays in a given area till the player hits [Next Unit]. As it is I make a lot of errors of ommision because, after taking twenty actions, the turn suddenly wants to end with a view on some city where nothing is going on and there's no indication that barbarians or enemy troops are about to hit one of your other cities. That's got to be a flaw. Some sort of [Hot Spot] button would be welcome.

[ October 18, 2003, 11:40 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I still think it would be fun to get a few people from this forum into a game but guess thats not going to happen.

Les the Sarge

I liked how with Civ II Test of Time I got the original game, plus a scifi version and a fantasy version all in the same program.
Ya, Civilization 2 Mutiplayer Gold is what your talking about, I have the same thing. I think Civ 2 is by far, the best of the Civilization series, even though the graphics are not the most high tech by todays standerds.


I used to really enjoy the advisers cutting in, with Stormin' Norman always telling me to build barracks and the others always bickering with each other.
I loved that guy, always wanting to go to war for no reason what so ever. If I no contact with any of the other civilizations he would want to do more exploring for the lone reason of finding someone to go to war with.

And of course we couldn't forget the female Foreign Affairs adviser who all the advisers agreed with all the time for some odd reason.... ;)

I always loved how the AI, if it had a city next to a small pond, would build naval units to put there. Or the way they declare war on me for not giving into stupid threats telling me to give them advances or money, and then attack a city loaded with howitzers and mech infantry with some out-dated phalanx and knights, knowing before hand that I just kicked their asses the last time they attacked me. They'll sign a "Peace Treaty" and wait only a few turns before they attack again, which you know full well wasn't enough time for them to build up sufficient troops to do any real damage.

You gotta love the AI.....

Comrade Trapp

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The scheming foreign minister, the spies, the insane demands. Then, if you gave one of them what they deserved the others would put up messages like " We know about your treatment of the Celts and . . ."

And the bug eyed diplomat was something else. If the damn thing got into a city it would routinely steal a secret so it had to always be booted out and it would keep coming back, regardless of how many times it was booted. Around my fifth game I became so disgusted I just started killing whatever diplomats came near my cities and was soon at war with all of the AI players. Louie of France went from pompous threats to calling for reason to begging for it's life in a span of ten moves. When I took it's last city I really felt bad because it told me how nobody would ever forget how badly I'd treated them, etc & etc..

Then there was always Elvis!

Now I'm starting to miss all that nonsense. :D

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