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AI Patch Wish List

Edwin P.

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I know that Hubert has said he is not releasing another patch, but if he changes his mind here is my wish list for those who play against the AI;

1) FOW Option - On for Human, Off for AI

2) AI Reclaims Research when Higher Research Levels are reached.

ie: 100% at Tech5, 60% at Tech4, 20% at Tech3

3) AI Reclaims Research to buy units when capital is in danger.

4) Allied Navy is More Aggressive - ie Hunts down German Subs or Hunts Down Italian Navy

5) AI will sieze undefended cities

6) AI will consider Sea Lion if UK is largely undefended

7) Axis AI will consider invading Norway and Sweden, Allied AI will consider liberating Norway and Sweden with US Units (occassionaly) or attacking to gain MPP and air link to USSR.

8) AI has better D-Day Invasion Execution and will evacuate France if losing battle.

9) Allied AI occasionaly disbands UK Bomber to finance purchase of 1)Brit HQ, Brit Air, or Brit Tech

10) Allied AI occasionaly goes for Dutch Gambit

11) Allied AI occassionaly goes for Italian Gambit

12) Allied AI occassionaly goes for Double Gambit

13) Allied AI will consider Invading Italy at Same time Invasion of France is launched.

14) Allied AI will consider taking Iraqi Oil

15) Allied AI will counter Axis Naval Strategy if Any - ie If Axis builds subs then Allied AI builds fleet and attacks in mass, not one at a time.

16) Axis Takes Greece in 1 Turn Tactics via Sea Invasion, not usual overland march.

17) Allied IE Considers evacuating some French Units to UK and replacing Corps in Maginot Line with Corps Units.

18) Axis AI will build larger Russia invasion force (ie Humans can often build force consisting of 3-4 HQ Units, 7 Air Fleets, 6 Armor, + Infantry and Corps if Humans takes Nordic Countries and Yugoslavia).

19) Axis AI will not allow one corps unit to pull large amounts of Axis units from Russian front to Western Front after it declares war on Russia. (ie if I land 1 corps unit in Northern Germany/Belguim/France Axis operates Armies and Armor from Eastern Front to deal with problem, weakening their attack in the East.)

20) AI should move French Fleet to UK Ports prior to fall of France

21) AI should Disband some French Ships if not planning to attack Italian Navy with UK Ships

22) Occassionaly Allied AI should attack Germany Navy with French Fleet, British Fleet, and Carriers. Then station ships out of range of Germany Air, but in range to attack and sink any German transports planning to invade Norway or Send Carriers through Baltic to Russia to support Russian Units against German Invasion when it comes.

23) Preset Research Strategies for Russia if not already in system

Strategy 1: 2 AntiTank, 1 Industrial

Strategy 2: 2 AntiTank, 1 Air

Strategy 3: 1 AntiTank, 1 Armor, 1 Industrial

24) Russian AI to take Finland Occasionaly in a more aggresive manner. Ie Move Air Unit North, Use British Carriers, Land Unit Behind Finish Units.

25) If Allied AI takes Iraq then Operate UK air units to Russian Front and move UK HQ to Egypt, then Operate to Russian Front.

26) Axis Pre War Strategy - picks 1 of several

Strategy 1 - Poland > Denmark > Belgium > France > Norway > Sweden > Yugoslavia > to Russian Front

Strategy 2 - Poland > Belgium > France > Denmark > Norway > Sweden > Yugoslavia > to Russian Front

Strategy 3 - Poland > Belgium > France > Denmark > Suez > Egypt > Iraq > back to Russian Front

Strategy 4 - Poland > Belgium > France > Denmark > After Minors Join Axis > Spain > Back to Russian Front

[ March 26, 2003, 04:41 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Good list, can't see anything to add.

Instead of scripted instructions, couldn't the reasoning portion be covered by concepts, such as invade weakly held enemy areas -- preference to more productive region, etc?

[ March 26, 2003, 08:46 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Jersey John

I like your thinking;

Instead of scripted instructions, couldn't the reasoning portion be covered by concepts, such as invade weakly held enemy areas -- preference to more productive region, etc?

But how would Hubert program this. What do you define as a weakly held enemy area? and a more productive region?

A weakly held enemy area is a hex with no enemy units closer than 2 hexes, and no more than 2 units within a 5 hex radius?

Hubert, any feedback?

(see I am trying to get him interested in making at least one change - the FOW On for Human, Off for AI option)

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