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AAR : Rambo Punk'd tour: Zappsweden (Axis) vs Rambo (Allies) .


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Allies -

1) Same old early game...

2) Poland is finished quicker this game.

3) Ireland hit by 2-carriers per turn.

4) Chasing those subs, damn, lost RN ship.

5) French dig

6) UK sends Corps.

7) Canadians dig in France.

8) French HQ was bought on turn #1, sold stuff to get it.

9) RAF in London w/ Monty.

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Fall 1940 -

Gee, the quiet period is sooo exciting as the Allies. So, I've been doing intercepts against the Luftwaffen over London's port, now a rocket shows up. Lots of Luftwaffen over the Channel.

Italians have landed East of Alexandria & West of the Suez with a Corp. 2-ships too are hitting the coastline there.

I decided not to give Malta up just yet. I placed RAF in Malta & a couple of ships & carrier are South of Sicily. They'll be running, I'm sure he'll have Luftwaffen there next turn.

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Early 1941:

Sweden is now Axis. Allied navy showed up near Sicily but Luftwaffe rushed to the scene and drove them off.

In the mediterranean (south of Greece), a Italian transport run into a UK cruiser. Apparently, Allies kept navy in the mediterranean.

Brest is under axis attacks. No rush, I want some practice first. smile.gif

London Port is blown up. London air retreats and is replaced by a corps.

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ROCKETS - !!!! Has the Air King Zapp become a Rocket convert?

I remember when Zapp said this about Rockets.

- What thought goes through your mind when you see your opponent rolling up an Axis rocket close to London? Newbie... :D

This game looks very interesting now, best of luck to you both, good AAR so far. Interesting.

[ December 19, 2003, 09:14 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

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we are BACK!

March 1941:

One Of the 2 found Allied ship in the mediterranean is sunk. West of Siciliy, an Allied ship shows up but he is sunk by Luftwaffe.

Egypt is holding well against Axis. Bergen and Brest are still Allied.

[ December 22, 2003, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Rambo surrenders. Not a good situation. Axis has this one in the bag, too much MMP's.

What happened:

1) Romania joining in early Fall 1940, gave the Germans alot of MMP's. It spells diaster when they enter that soon.

2) MedFront strategy failed. I'm not surprised, no supply. I put alot of MMPs into corps for Egypt, they were toast.

3) Readiness values were real low when I surrendered in July 1941. Russia only 55%. That means Zapp could wait on Barbarossa for 8 more turns. He's getting 400 MMPs per turn. 8 x 400 = 3200. Russia's 3800 wouldn't help.

4) UK got no technology. That's a waste

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