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Supply value updating


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(This might be a newbie question, but I've been following the forum for quite a while and this hasn't come up yet. Search didn't help much.)

How often is the supply value/readiness updated in SC1? Is it updated in the beginning of each player's turn for all units (both the player and the opponent)? Or, is it updated in the beginning of the active player's turn for his units only?

Same question goes to HQ-assignment? Does it change during your opponents turn based on the movement of the HQ or does it remain the same until it's your turn again?

Example: you buy a corps, it has a supply value of 0. You place it within one hex from a 10-supply city within HQ-range. When your opponent attacks on his turn, is the corps supply still 0 (and thereby lower readiness) and is the corps without a HQ-bonus? (In the beginning of your next turn, these values have been updated, of course.)

Thankful for replies.

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Supply value/HQ command/readiness will be updated at the beginning of each players turn for both the own and the enemy units.

So if you move your units/HQ during your turn, supply + HQ command (and therefore readiness) will change at the beginning of your opponents turn.

E.g. if you have not enough HQs and replace your unsupported front units with HQ supported units from the rear, they will be again without HQ support when the enemy attacks your front units in his turn.

New bought HQs will work like always and support their units also in the following enemy turn.

But new bought combat units are an exception:

Their supply/HQ command will not be recalculated in the first enemy turn. When you buy them, they will start without supply and they will not be supported by a HQ until it is your own turn again (i.e. with str 10 they have only a readiness of 33%).

So it is usually better to avoid building new units directly at the front if it is not necessary, since they will be very weak and vulnerable against enemy attacks in the opponents following turn.

BTW: that´s something for the ones that prefer historical accuracy - if you throw new units (without training in the rear) immediately to the front, they are toast when the enemy attacks... ;)

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Thanks Terif for the reply! The exception regarding new units really explains things.

Regarging HQ-assignment:

Is there any way to determine how are the HQ's assigned to units when there are over 5 units within range.

Ok, they are assigned by range, but let's say there are three units within two hexes and seven within three hexes. Which units of the last four units (at a range of three hexes) receive the assignment?

(This becomes more complicated if several HQ's are within range, but has anybody figured out a rule for how this works for one HQ? E.g. hexes are scanned in number order, or something.)

[ September 15, 2004, 12:45 AM: Message edited by: willebra ]

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HQ - assignment:

- if you have several HQs, then they support their units in a certain sequence: The order in that HQs support are from west to east and when more than one HQ are on the same longitude, it is from north to south (second criteria).

- HQs support the closest units first and go in circles outwards. I.e. first it searches for units in one hex distance, when there are less than 5 units, then it supports units in 2 hex distance and so on. In this aspect terrain doesnt matter, so it is not action points, but really only hexes (nevertheless, the range of a HQ is still 5 action points, so if a unit is more than 5 APs away, it cant be supported...here terrain matters).

- within the circles around the HQ, there is no simple rule (at least I didnt find one... ;) ) in which they support the units. The order depends on the distance and the geographical position (to be precise: the longitude). Unit type, supply, readiness...etc. doesnt matter, only the longitude and in which circle the combat unit is. The order repeats every 2 degrees, but since you have 5 circles, there are still hundreds of posibilities. Simply too much to take into consideration during a real battle.

In the end:

It is pretty simple when you have several HQs (better than with only one HQ). Then - with some experience - you can easily calculate if your units will have HQ support or not and you can effectively position your HQs smile.gif .

You know in which order your HQs support and that they support in circles, so only if you have more units than your HQs can support, some units on the periphery will not have HQ support. But since you know which HQ will be the last one for support, you only need to move the surplus combat units out of range - so in the end only the units that you really want to be supported, will be actually supported smile.gif

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Thanx again Terif.

Still, when defending in Russia (and at a disadvantage), you will need to form defensive lines behind rivers etc. Not too many hq's. Not too much possibilities to move the troops due to hq-assignment: so you'll be moving only the hq. Sometimes it's hard to determine the outcome.

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