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The Guns of September. (THE long awaited CVM AAr.)

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CvM’s AAR, Part 1: The Guns of September


Options: All partisans, scorched earth, all random

If you look back a few pages in the forum you’ll find my lead in to this AAR “The Gathering Storm”

Following the events of 1933- August 1939, even the most average of Europeans could sense the coming of another great conflict. Yet, even as Churchill pleaded on the floor of the House of Commons the leaders of Europe seemed to turn a blind eye to the buildup of German forces on the border with Poland. On September 1, 1939, the greatest conflict in history began along the German-Polish border.

Dawn broke over the peaceful Polish countryside, and in a moment, it was shattered. The sounds of planes engines woke most of the population. Luftflotte 1 began its attacks along army group A’s route of advance by pounding the communications of the Pomorze army. The Polish Airforce was quickly flushed from the skies. Luftflotte 2 soon followed suit. Feldmarschall Von Bock, commanding army group A ordered the 4th army to move to the Polish northern flank and strike. While this was happening, the XIX panzer group began to surround the stunned Poles. With that, the Northern Flank of the polish defense was neutralized.

On Sept. 3rd, Britain and France declared war upon Germany. Now, 20 years after the Treaty of Versailles took the military initiative away from Germany, It was France and England who found themselves unprepared and on the defensive. Neville Chamberlain, who only months before had proclaimed ‘Peace in our time’ addressed the citizens of England over the BBC. Announcing that the British Empire, and Germany were at war. Among the listeners was Winston Churchill, who had preached the coming of this day.


Meanwhille, in the south of Poland, Von Runstedt’s army group B began its advance under the cover of Luftflotte 3. By Sept. 3 the Lodz army was completely surrounded by the XVI panzer group. It was then quickly eliminated by attacks from the 10th and 14th armies. The men of the beleaguered Ponzan Corps were then cut off from their capital. The 3rd army, advancing from Prussia attacked the Polish air units north of the capital. The Germans were within sight of Warsaw.


The German High seas fleet sortied from its ports and began to lie in wait for the expected confrontation with the Royal Navy.

On September 17, Canada joined its Mother England in its struggle. France recalled its fleet back to its Ports to begin preparing for the conflict. The Royal Navy also began combing the Atlantic for the dreaded U-Boats. All Polish Units began to fall back to defend their capital.

By October, the ring began to close around Warsaw. The XVI panzer group struck from the southwest. The 14th army then advanced from the west under the cover of Luftflottes 1 and 2. On October 5th, VIII corps entered and captured Warsaw.


Poland continued to fight. Then, the Red hoards poured in from the east. The royal navy had made some minor contact with the U-boats in the Northern Atlantic, The U boats would not hold out long without return for supplies. The British now formed the soon to be ill-fated BEF, which began forming around Manchester for deployment in France. All was quiet on the western front.

By the end of October, all Polish resistance had collapsed. The former Poland was divided up between the Fascists and the Socialists. Germany Began moving its troops to the west. With some entering the vicinity of ports. Germany was up to something, and the hapless allies had no idea what it was. France called up more of its young men, and began to hole up behind its vaunted Maginot Line.

The Maginot line was not the only defensive line about to be tested, on November 30th, the Red army launched a surprise attack on neighboring Finland. In the following months, they would wage war upon the small Baltic republic. Who’s soldiers would fight bravely. Using the Mannerheim Line as their main line of defense.


The conflict had now escalated.


all feedback welcome. Especcially that of SuperTed, who has been strangly absent as of late....

[ November 01, 2002, 04:30 PM: Message edited by: Carl Von Mannerheim ]

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Hia Carl,

Is there any chnace that I could post this on the MGO website? Do you have any screenhots for the AAR?

As a major fan of SC, I would love to publish some AAR's from SC on the MGO website.

Has anyone else published any or posted any here?



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