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Attacking France first DOES work!!!


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Using my standard setup (see below) I decided to try this idea. France fell in May of 1942.

I left the Eastern Front barren except for the garrison at Konigsberg. The Polish surrounded the town but never attacked. They also did not venture westwards past their border.

From France it was easy to pick up Denmark on the way to Poland and to drop down to Yugoslavia while I was at it. All in plenty of time before Russia attacked in Jan. '42.

It was an easy game - even with the US involved in '41.

BTW - concerning the outlooks on WWII below, of course I do not agree with many of this guy's points - I think he's just trying to stir up controversy, but regarding D-Day, the Allies did have a better plan - to continue up the Italian Boot. Churchill was livid that after all that loss of life grinding up the boot, that when the Germans were finally finished (and they were) the US pulled out all of its troops for the D-Day bash. A pure waste of men and lives. By continuing up the boot we would have taken France from the south as well as obtained a grip on some of the eastern block nations which means that we would have deterred Communism to a greater extent than we did.

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I must have played too much Third Reich in my dimly remembered youth. Attacking France in 1939 was something you only attempted if the French made an error in setup, otherwise it was suicidal. I felt it would be the same in SC and was surprised to find that going for the French first works extremely well, with France surrendering in March 1940.

The Poles are hampered by the lack of a leader and can't break through a screen of German corps while the remainder of the Wehrmacht falls on an off balance France. Has anyone tried the strategy in a PBEM or TCP/IP game?

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Most often I attack Poland first. If you work on it you can beat Poland in 2 - 3 weeks and operate immediately to Belgium. Forget Denmark and Norway. I operate my Infantry Armies and Reinforce them while the tanks ride all the way to Belgium.

I attack the low countries in December 1939, before the French have time to build up. Usually I take the low countries in one week. In the January turn I am already moving into northern France, which simply don't have enough units to cover the whole front.

According to my time table, by the third turn of 1940 the Germans should reach the outskirts of Paris, triggering Italy into the war. A human player could prevent this by retreating the units from the Maginot to defend Paris. But the AI won't retreat fast enough.

At this point, it takes only a couple more turns to first surround and then take over Paris. ...surround it first, since it hurts every other city and unit in the Map.

I am sure that attacking France first will work. But I played the above at Expert +0. Tried it already a couple of times, always with the same success (against the AI).

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