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AAR Zappsweden vs Rambo (best of 3 games)


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Early Stages.

Axis attacked Denmark and Poland on turn 1.

Denmark fell on turn 2 and allied fleet approached the baltic sea.

Allied did the dutch gambit on turn 2 but failed!

However, axis did not think it was worth to defend so it finally fell on turn 3.

Poland also fell on turn 3.

[ December 31, 2002, 09:10 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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16 June, 1940 (After move done):

allies have withdrawn from the baltic before any serious action begun. The 2 axis atlantic subs are now sunk. Axis has been conquering Belgium piece by piece the last turns with low losses for axis (thanks to their good HQ). The belgium coast has been bombarded by French and UK ships and axis have not had the time to attack them, the luftwaffe have been busy supporting the ground attacks. When Italy joined the war they stormed forward on the Italy-French border. French troops landed a transport behind the line and took the Northwest italian city.

Finally, a whole is been made in the French line (that did not come one turn too early!).

The maginot line is almost surrounded now.

[ January 01, 2003, 07:27 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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What can I say? I'm the French. Nothing fancy. Stuff a bunch of blue pieces in the line. I tried the LowCountries-Gambit, took me a couple of turns & England got the booty. Canadians are dead. The whole German army is coming down my throat. Had a "Classic" Rambo move in Northern Italy, but eventually operated out for the final days in Paris. I've been tame with the Navies.

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"And now the end is near". Paris will fall next axis-turn. I have a bunch of British on the west coasts ports: HQ, 2-Armies, 2-Air, & 2-Corps. I had them in the North & rear as the Germans moved towards Paris. I was looking for a counter-attack, but there was nothing I liked. I couldn't risk him getting Paris & wiping out all my British pieces, with some tricky ZappSweden move. I see he built a 3rd panzer.

Well, France fell on August 11. Could have good better, could have gone worse. I played conservatively against the Swedish champ in France.

End of stage #1

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Prior to the fall of France, UK navy attacked the axis Malta blockade and it resulted in one Italian cruiser being sunk and the Italian ships withdrawn.

No actions in the mediterranean reported after that battle.

[ January 01, 2003, 10:41 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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All is quiet for now. I did leave a Corp in Brest for the heaven (hell) of it. Germans have 2-ships & sub in Denmarkish area. Italians sailed towards home, I did get one of them. I've lost one battleship in the game when I got those German North Atlantic subs. Beside that, The British Royal Navy is fine. Haven't lost any British pieces; the Canadians are dead.

Begin Stage #2: The minors or SeaLion?

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Well no SeaLion, that was to be expected with England loaded up. He's off to convert his homeland, Sweden! This is like a HeavyWeight boxing match; you dance, jab, & wait for the big plays. Hungary & Romania join.

[ December 31, 2002, 10:41 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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I have made my first mistake in this game. I sent to few troops to Sweden (to save transportation cost) and the suedes held on much better than i thought.

Hitler is furious and is thinking of assasinating General Zappsweden.

[ December 31, 2002, 11:05 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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August 17, 1941 (After finished turn)

Egypt has been under navy+air+ground attack for a while and Alexandria is falling any moment. When Egypt invasion begun, the defense of Egypt consisted of one UK army, one UK corps and one French corps. The axis had a couple of ground units, 1 HQ, navy and 3 air fleets which ofcourse is too much for the defenders to handle.

An axis army transport (Norway to Germany) was ambushed right outside the coast of Norway. The transport was destroyed.

Axis replied with an air+navy attack and managed to sink 1 UK Battleship and 1 UK cruiser, not bad.

[ January 01, 2003, 07:37 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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