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I will run the SC Ladder

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I will run the SC World Champion Ladder if 88mm no longer wants the job.

Yes the ladder has a lot of flaws, but considering we had no ladder at all before this I think we're off to a good start. If I take over the ladder it will stay "as is" until we come up with something better that most of us agree on.

88mm, tell me if you want me to take over and I'll start next month (June).

Comrade Trapp

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Nice to see someone taking on the Ladder. If you think changes need to be made I would suggest that you post your Ideas, look over the responces, and make the change. Your doing this on your free time and if you have invested as much time as 10+ games you'll have a good idea of what would work best.

Every system can be improved, nothing is every perfect.

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