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AAR : Rambo spots record MMP's, Comrade Trapp gets 500 / 4000 (1:8) system


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Okay, I've got Axis & have alot of work to do. I'll need to think of a good strategy. UK starts strong & I need to kill 20+ million in Russia to win this game. I invision a bad-ass tight-trained army w/ possible RACK.

Turn #1 --- Polish front broken, I only attack one-Army & get the kill. Everybody else bangs on Warsaw. Denmark the usual. Units operanded to the West for LC #2. Subs run.

[ August 19, 2003, 10:56 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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September 17, 1939

Germany invades Poland, 1 Polish army is destroyed. Remnants of the Polish Army flank the German advance from both the north and south in an attempt to put a strain on German supplies.

Germany declares war on Denmark, the German Navy attacks the Danish corps in Copenhagen reducing it to 7. A German corps crosses into Southern Denmark.

In the North Atlantic, the Royal and French Navies aggressively search for German U-boats, no contact as of yet.

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October 1939 --- Germans party on the Poles expense. And we catch a break, Poles convert & donate $272! I needed that Polish surrender, nice.

DOW & immediate invation on LowCountries was a close call. UK has 2-fighters in & by London to intercept the Luftwaffe. They fought well, I guessing Comrade Trapp bought Monty & another fighter with the big booty. Good news, I get LC on the last fighter! LC donates a nice big fat $347!

Denmark lives, not a priority.

[ August 19, 2003, 11:10 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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October 15, 1939

Warsaw falls, Poland surrenders. German corps reaches outskirts of Copenhagen.

Germany declares war on the Low Countries, quickly captures Brussels, LC surrenders. The RAF intercepts the Luftwaffe over Brussels, both sides take losses. The Canadian 1st Army arrives in France. French HQ (Weygard) purchased, French are ready to kick ass.

In the North Atlantic, the Royal Navy continues to hunt German U-boats, still no contact.

[ August 20, 2003, 12:13 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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Nov. 1939 --- French are digging trenches & the UK is building/reinforcing fighters. I have a decision, either wait for more planes for last turn plunders, or try to break a French Army. If you know me, I'm rolling the dice. Panzer & Army attack the "First Blood" hex in France, followed by a 3-fighters in which 2 are intercepted. No dice, French Army survives strength-2.

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November 12, 1939

In France, the French 4th Army is pounded by ground and air attacks but holds with 80% losses. The Canadian 1st Army arrives in Paris and digs in, and the British I corps relieves the French 5th Army on the southern end of the Maginot Line.

In the North Atlantic, 2 German U-boats are engaged in the northwest corner of the map, neither one is destroyed but both are surrounded, both RN carriers are within attack range.

RAF gets Jets +11.

Allied forces now prepare for Axis expansion elsewhere.

[ August 20, 2003, 01:02 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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Dec. 1939 --- Oh my, UK has Jets +1 on turn #4 of the game. I bought two fresh fighters w/ the plunder. Panzer & Army attack "First Blood hex". The fresh fighters attack next, getting intercepted by UK Jets+1. After that it's safe for my other 3-damaged fighters to finish the job, barely. The French Army is killed. A German-Corp of Nazi-Hitler-Youth are sent it & are able to give French HQ (Weygard I think?) 1-point of damage.

[ August 19, 2003, 11:26 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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December 10, 1939

In France, the French 4th Army is destroyed northwest of the Ardennes, the German Army attempts to blitz through French lines but is stopped by Weygard's HQ. The French line moves back 1 hex and dig in.

In the North Atlantic, both German U-boats are finished off by the Royal Navy.

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January 1940 --- Huge turn for Germany. I see opportunity which is out of RAF intercept range. German forces push South thru Ardennes; we score a kill on French Army. Ther French are learning what the word casaulty means. Weaker air units help kill the Danish-Corp along with a Panzer which was sent up with fresh supplies, hot food, ammo, & gas.

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March 17, 1940 --- The Ides of March offer a choice, doesn't every turn? Core pieces are sent South to avoid possible headcracking by RAF. The other choice is to send damaged Panzer around the lines to border Paris. Purpose is to get the Italians motivate & help the cause.

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February 4, 1940

The French 3rd Army defending the mine is destroyed after being pounded by the Luftwaffe, RAF Fighter Command is out of range and is unable to intercept with its +1 jet advantage giving the German complete air superiority for the turn. The French Army is forced to abandon the Maginot Line and fall back around Paris (which is defended by a now dug in Canadian 1st Army) in a last ditch effort to halt the German advance.

In Denmark, the Danish corps in Copenhagen is destroyed but the city is not taken, Denmark will fall next turn.

Despite the Allies best efforts, Italy's readiness is increasing and may enter the war shortly.

[ August 19, 2003, 11:54 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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Reports from Nazi Headquarters:

Danish plunder $289

Germany Salary $179

German dead, 2-subs, but a Panzer went to motivate Italy will die next turn.

Italian readiness 84%, should increase next turn

USA 19%

Russia 39%

Converted Poland

Converted LowCountries

Converted Denmark

[ August 19, 2003, 11:58 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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April 1940 --- This is like a football game where I'm the running team (Army/Tank) while UK is the passing team (Air). Germany must avoid UK Jet+1 & flank further South to stay out of RAF range. The Panzer which brought the Italians into the war is dead, but their death was not in vain! The Cross of Iron is placed by every gravestone of those good little "Buntas".

Italians take Marsailles...and chill. They have high expectations after seening that Panzer get waxed.

[ August 20, 2003, 12:08 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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I got the French HQ (Weygard) during turn 2. I didn't buy anything turn 1 and had to disband the French Navy and both colonial corps, the down side to this was that Italian readiness increased due to the 2 corps being disbanded.

Luckily I didn't have to disband the French Air Force, which is at an undisclosed location at the moment. ;)

Comrade Trapp

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June 9, 1940

In France, a French army is destroyed south of Paris, the French II corps is built and takes its place.

The defensive lines around Paris are now completely surrounded by Axis forces, all other French cities (except for Brest) are under Axis control.

Still no sign of the Luftwaffe, the RAF has complete air supremacy over France.

[ August 20, 2003, 12:36 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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July 7, 1940

Despite the heroic last stand made by French and Canadian forces, Paris falls on July 7, 1940 signaling the surrender of France. The British I corps still holds Brest.

In England, Prime Minister Winston Churchill declares:

"Arm yourselves, and be ye men of valour, and be in readiness for the conflict; for it is better for us to perish in battle than to look upon the outrage of our nation and our altar."

Meanwhile in the Central Med, the British II corps manages to evade the Italian Navy and makes a surprise landing, capturing the undefended North African city of Tripolitania.

RAF gets Jets +12.

[ August 20, 2003, 01:21 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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August 4, 1940

Axis declares war on Norway; capture Oslo first turn, Norway surrenders. British IV corps arrives in Bergen.

In the Eastern Med, an Italian corps lands and captures an undefended Suez Canal leaving the British III corps to defend Alexandria without aid.

[ August 20, 2003, 01:20 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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