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Does the USA ever surrender?

Flash Gordon

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Just finished a campaign where it ended with Germany having conquered the USSR and Canada and working on an invasion of the USA while embroiled in down-n-dirt fighting in the British Isles with the Italians have conquered Yugoslavia, Greece, Malta, Alexandria and Turkey and looking towards Vichy France's holdings in North Africa and the Middle East as well as break out of the Mediterranean when the game ended.

I thought Canada surrendered rather quickly given as only the eastern-most tip of the country is modeled. Does the USA surrender as easily?

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Originally posted by Flash Gordon:

I thought Canada surrendered rather quickly given as only the eastern-most tip of the country is modeled. Does the USA surrender as easily?[/QB]

Sure Thing, build up enuff german carriers and crush the US Forces by the mighty Luftwaffe - after canada surrendered, you can also move up to four or five air fleets and a HQ there to crush the amis. Finally my german invasion forces will sorround the US capital and by that time, i have +5 tanks, air fleets etc, so the resistance wont ever cause a real threat anymore. Once the white house & the pentagon are conquered, the US will f****ing surrender :D
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