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AAR : World League : Rambo (Allies) vs Liam (Axis 425 : 950 : 950) -> RAMBO wins


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first game in awhile, sanctioned League, battle of David and Goliath tongue.gif

see if I have a chance

Opener Fall Weis

Bang frontline Polacks, destroy 1 army badly harm all else save 1 south of Danzig. PAF down to 2.. Denmark recieves a DOW, and is banged by German Cruisers... U-boats disappear into the N. Atlantic

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Rnd two for Nazis:

We push the Polacks back to a Line 1 hex in front of Warsaw. in the North Army pounds Warsaw down to 6

LC attacked and surrenders... 1 army and 2 airfleets do the damage. British Battleship spotted in Baltic...

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OCT 29 1939:

French CounterOffensive and BEF wedge kills a Panzer Division in LC

Warsaw falls but Poland does not surrender...

Full scale engagement in the Baltic, with 2 Mainline British Warships spotted and near sinking one of U-Boat fleets. as well as air support. Danish Copenhagen Corps banged down to 2... Ireland disputed... N.Atlantic Makes contact with French Navy

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Nov. 26 '39

Poland and Denmark both surrender.. Poland after significant pounding on the Polish Army and seeing the Ruskies were there to annex their former Borders not save the day they gave in

Denmark after 3 airstrikes and naval bombardment

First casualty in the N.Sea 1 U-boat down :( the Kriegsmarine Mourns their loss... Baltic still disputed... France held in the LC

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Jan7th 1940

Wermacht operates over to Face France, first Major Offensive upon the nation. 1 BEF Corps destroyed... German units reinforced. U-Boats bang French Cruiser in the N.Sea down to 2 strength, the German U-boat fleet is near dead... Brits Royal Navy retreats from the Baltic

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following: Winter Offensive

Germans weaken Ardennes hex2 in France from LC with Panzer and Luftwaffe support down to 1 no cigar

last N.Atlantic Raider, falls victim to Massive French and British Naval operations North of Ireland where the Dublin Corps still holds strong

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Mar 31st 1940

Winter's end comming in sight. We counterattack after the Death of Dublin Corps, by destroying a French Army in Northern France bordering Antwerp. German forces are overexposed a 2nd attempt on Ardennes wasn't made as expected

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April 28th 1940:

German forces break the Ardenne Forest where another BEF Corps was left to the defense, it was broken by massive Luftwaffe and combined Wermacht Assualts... and then occuppied by German Corps...

France's future is now is question... Most of the British Navy is off the coast of Holland

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May 26th:

Axis forces breach further in the hole they pounched through French and British Lines, devouring more of the Allies forces. However experienced the Nifty Spitfire over the Rhine where they hammered extensive damage on one of our HQs and Fighter units...

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June 16th:

German forces are 50 miles from Paris. French and British Forces bypassed in the Maginot are weakened the rest are all in diseray. British Navy is massing off Holland, almost every Mainline British Ship

Italian War Entry at 94%

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July 14th:

French launch a major counteroffensive with RAF and manage to break the German frontlines, German forces re-establish their dominance however and break through the Southern most part of the Maginot... the entire Royal Navy aside from Carriers is now in the Baltic on the Hunt for the Kriegsmarine tongue.gif

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July 28th:

another corps destroyed outside of the Parisian Defense parimeter and another weakened South of the Mines in Eastern France near Maginot but still no Cigar. The French forces are connected not divided... the Battle of the Baltic Commences, 1 u-boat lost, 2 Cruisers badly damaged likewise some damage also put upon the Allied forces there..Stalin's Admirals watch with interest outside of Leningrad..

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August 11th

The Kriegsmarine is dealt a deathly blow, all Baltic Cruisers are at bottom

In France, Massive RAF counteroffensives along with fiesty French and British forces maintain and wreak destruction upon the German liberators there

we still mantain an edge

pushing evermore. cutting off Maginot and France now

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August 25th

Daring Luftwaffe pilots pull of breaking the French line South of Paris, a encirclement isn't yet possible but we hope will come soon. 109s and Spitfires fight it out over the Skies of Northern France again

The Maginot is completely vacated and now German

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Sept 15th 1940:

Welcome Italy into the War to fight the evil Oppressors in France and Britian!

German forces break out again in France, attempting to capture the Capitol though no direct attacks were planned. Denmark is besieged on all sides by the Royal Navy, looks to fall this turn.

Malta is hit, and the fortifications there are failing as well as Southern France is invaded by Italian Forces without Leadership

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