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Allied AI invades Low Countries?!?

Comrade Trapp

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I was just screwing around with Fall Weiss 1939 when what do I see? "Allies declare war on the Low Countries".

Now like I said, I was just screwing around to kill some time. All Polish units were dead on turn 3 so I said "what the hell" and declared war on the USSR before Poland surrendered.

About 2 turns into my invasion of Russia, the Allies declare war on the Low Countries and invade.

Has the Allied AI ever done this to anyone else?

Comrade Trapp

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Yes, happened to me once aswell. It was when I was new to the game and I was invading countries in the historical order (i.e. Norway and Denmark in early 1940). As a result I was late in attacking in the west.

I presume that if the Axis don't attack the Low Countries then there's a chance that the allied AI will. Good on it too!

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