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about newbies...

von Pawlow

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Hi all!

I've recently discovered SC:ET and like it very much. I've played a number of games vs. computer and maybe 10 or so hot-seat and pbem games with my friends, but I still consider myself to be very weak in this game. A few days ago I've discovered this website and read several topics, and I liked it very much. Now, there are much great advices for newbies, but I think the man learns best from his own mistakes (I like it the hard way ;) ). I would like to play against other newbies mainly because I think that's my level, and I wouldn't like to waste some experienced players time. Could we open a new topic where newbies (or not so good players) would register, so we could have easier start in this game?

I apologize if there is some other topic with same subject, but I failed to find any.

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Hi, Welcome to the forum.

if you are interested in PBEM play sign up for the PBEM league. Then send out an email to part of the mail list (the entire mail list is too large) and ask for a game with a new player.

You will also find that many of the experienced players don't mind taking some time to play tutorial games with new players. I would offer, but right now I have about eight games on the go so I really don't want to take on another one. If you email me in 3-4 weeks I can probably start one up with ya!



p.s. hey Comrade Trapp, I betcha like the way this guy makes his first posting, he is so nice!

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Ok, thanks Friendly Fire, you are really friendly smile.gif . I would like to play against you when you have the time, considering your experience and all.

I've already registered to PBEM league, should I send e-mail to someone from PBEM League topic on this forum, or I should search for opponent at http://www.myleague.com/scpbem/ ?

And good luck to Comrade Trapp, I've just finished my serving in army and I know what he's going trough... ;)

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Some of the forum veterans are admittedly hard core wargamers, and yet not what you would call "dangerous" opponents.

Some of us like Jersey John and myself, are considered considerable wargamers in our own way, or credible thinking historians, yet, we have not logged in the hundreds and hundreds of games, such, that even a total novice won't be instant road kill.

There are a few though, that have played such a sheer immensity of games, can claim to be your worst nightmare. Well at least in the 39 campaign.

Make the wise choice, do not say you are done with this game, till you have played EACH AND EVERY CAMPAIGN 20 times each on every dificulty setting.

Otherwise, you are just assuming you have seen it all.

Most of the more "brutal" competitive guys here, only play the 39 game it seems, and that proves nothing. So what a person can memorise the best possible first 10 turns of optimum performance.

Try mastering the 43 and the 44 games too.

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I think the 42 game is great but I wore it out a while back...

Von Pawlow, I think it best just to email a section of the PBEM league mailing list asking for a game against either a new player or an experience guy willing to take allies at a low bid and give you tips.

The mail list is posted on the sticky topic at the top of the forum.

let me know how it works out for you!

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Ok, I'll do that! Oh yes, one more thing, I didn't quite understood that part about 'bidding'. Where is the topic where I can read more thoroughly about that subject? So far i only found topics where you guys discus what bidding would be the best choice, nothing on how you set it up...

[ September 20, 2004, 03:41 AM: Message edited by: von Pawlow ]

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Thanks smile.gif

You can and will learn most of the things about SC in your games and to be able to compete with veteran players you will need a lot of games. Strategies and counters always depend on your opponent and his playing style - and I think it makes the most fun to discover/devolope strategies and possible counters on your own anyway - therefore there are only a few of them in the guide.

The guide is to shorten the learning process and to provide basic knowledge and some essential things that you need if you want to play a longer game (especially how readiness works and which effect a DoW on special countries has).

If you have read it and know these things, that doesnt mean you will win the next game, it only means that you dont loose your game because of not knowing them ;) .

There are thousands of small things, impossible to describe them all if you dont want to read a 1000 pages book...and I wouldnt want to write it either hihi... tongue.gif . But the most essential things are mentioned in the guide smile.gif .

I hope it will increase the play level to a certain necessary minimum (not all players are new... smile.gif )and helps to avoid some frustration at the beginning, so you will have (after some games experience) an equal chance against most other players soon. When you know the basic rules, then only strategy decides on who will win (and not a thing that you should do automatically right and that has nothing to do with if you are a good or bad player, like having the right amount of guarding units at the russian border or that you should not attack Spain before your minors joined...etc.) ;) . With both sides knowing the basic rules (i.e. playing on equal terms), both players will have much more fun smile.gif .

[ September 20, 2004, 07:37 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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