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DP has Allies with bid 250 in 1:5:30.

Standard rules: no Dow+landing in majors, no AA research.

- Poland + LC surrender turn 2, Denmark turn 3.

- Allies kill a german corps SW of Brussel with only 2 corps, 1 army (no french HQ), battleship + UK AF, the french corps survives in the next turn at str 1.

- french battleship sunk near Canada, subs continue raiding smile.gif

- Allies attacked Ireland turn 1

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- Germany kills the french corps SW of Brussel, this time the german one survives the allied counterattack

- since Allies moved 2 fresh armies to the front, they were not entrenched and german forces kill both in the next turn. 2 french hexes conquered, Elbow hex cut off.

- Atlantic: 2 UK ships damaged to str 6, both subs lost after their last heroic attack

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March 3, 1940:

Allies exchange their front units (i.e. no entrenchment) and abandon Ardennes, so german forces move deep into french territory: 2 tanks 2 hexes from Paris, Maginot supply cut off, many damaged allied units, french army next to Paris survives at str 1.

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March 31, 1940:

Dalmatia prefers to attack aggessively instead of defending France, so one german tank is killed, but Allies loose 2 armies + 2 corps in return...2 units in front of the unentrenched Paris with the last french army in it. France will fall next turn and Italy join. Ireland abandoned.

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April 28, 1940:

Paris falls like expected - attacked from 4 land sides - strangely Allies didn´t evacuate their last 3 UK corps and left them back near Paris for dying.

3 of the german AFs that were´nt needed attack Valiant battleship in front of Brussel - it survives at str 1.

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-Poland and Low Countries converted in turn 3

-After brave fight in France RAF managed to kill 1 German AF and others are badly damaged(Brussels AF down to 1 strenght)

-France converted in July 1940- I made a huge mistake forgetting to move french corps in allied ports - Canadians entrenched in Paris at 6 didnt survive attack for 4 damaged AF and 2 damaged armies-so I lost cca 800 MPP-Weyngard HQ and army in Brest + 2 corps sailing in Med...Not to mention UK corps surrounding Paris-anyway thats the differance between Terif and me-he makes no mistakes

- Norway, Vichy and Sweden converted - Egypt falling any moment

- Yugo coup will be a bit different this time - only Romania joined axis so far so axis attack on Belgrade is a bit harder

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Yep - this time Allies were lucky in LC and it survived in turn 2 all german attacks (5x minimum damage, 1x average), but got conquered the next turn.

Since Allies attacked again aggressively in France and bought a french HQ, France fell early despite the failed LC. But since Germany moved forward cautiously, not too early - on the other side Germany had no losses until the fall of France. Paris fell when Germany was able to strike with 5 AFs + 2 armies at the not fully entrenched garrison (sorry, was not at entrenchment 6 and Germany had another AF in reserve, so there was not much doubt it would fall ;) ). Allies evacuated too late and lost french HQ + army in Brest.

- April 13, 1941: collecting minors, Egypt already conquered and cleared, only Romania joined so far, Yugo couped early. Brest german, Bergen allied but under attack, will fall in 1-2 turns.

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Barbarossa started as expected-all units destroyed or cut off.

Iraq and Greece conquered

Allied air liberated Brest and Low countries.

Partisans took Sofia-Bulgaria surrenders.

Meanwhile Axis conquered Odessa and destroyed 1 russian army in ship but also german sub and 1 carrier are damaged by russian air.

UK troops ve taken french mine so there is a possibility of cuting off german troops in France ;)

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November 16, 1941 Barbarossa started.

UK + USA at jets 2, Germany only got jets 1 the turn before Barbarossa - so Axis uses corps defence in France. USA built only air and is lacking HQ support (probably only Eisenhower built), but also researched already AT 1. Russia also built a lot of air (7 in service now).

Half a dozen russian corps destroyed each turn - Kiev conquered. German forces counter in France with corps: French mine under attack, US army near Brest survives at str 1.

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March 22, 1942:


- Russia attacks near Minsk and kill a german tank. Russian tank, army and 2 corps killed as retaliation.

- russian corps transport used to spot the german sub so the russian cruiser was able to destroy the str 2 german cruiser. Russian cruiser + transport sunk in return.

- Bulgaria liberated

- some russian AFs attack Iraq, russian tank spotted at the border.


- french mine reconquered, fighings in the Brest-Paris area (Germany usually loose 2-3 corps/turn, heavy damages for the US armies).

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April 14, 1942:


- 4 russian corps killed, Minsk conquered, no enemy AFs any more in the area

- all air seems to be in Caucasus, attacking axis units in Iraq, tank + corps move into axis territory.


Italy launches a massive offensive against North America: strong forces land in Canada and conquer the country (including both cities). In southern USA additional forces land and surprise a full strength UK cruiser in port. Together with 3 italian battleships and a sub it gets destroyed.

Portsmouth port conquered and immediately used to land further reinforcements...Portsmouth conquered too. USA seems to be empty and not defended. More axis transports on the way to the promised land... smile.gif

After this blow and before Axis were able to move their pieces in France Allied commander "has to go" ;) - saved. To be continued or is it the silence before surrendering ? :D

Allies are superior in the air (13 allied AFs + 3 carriers vs only 7 german AFs), but have only a few ground units. Axis superior in unit numbers and mpps/turn. Resistance in Russia seems to be broken. The next turns Allies will be busy now in America to defend/reconquer their homeland smile.gif .

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And Allies continue fighting smile.gif :

June 1942:

- Russia launches an offensive in middle Russia near Smolensk: 1 german tank killed.

Axis take revenge and kill 3 russian tanks, 2 armies, 1 corps and an AF in return :D .

- another offensive in Iraq supported by 6 russian AFs, german corps lost, reinforcements on the way.


-US forces slowly approaching Bordeaux, one US corps killed that moved too fast into axis territory, UK corps near Paris cut off from all 6 sides and reduced to str 5. Montgomery is leading the UK forces in LC (army + several corps). UK corps took Kiel port for one turn but got destroyed now

- In the USA 6+ allied battleships arrive, Italy retreats its navy but looses a corps transport during retreat. USA builds armies/corps around Washington to fight against the italian forces at Portsmouth, an AF from europe operates back.

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Good ole Bud! Never ever ungarrison a Minor Axis Capitol. Very rarely do they not surrender on that. That 1 move can cost a game!

I notice you try to break through Iraq and the narrow pass, it never works against an experienced player.. Unless you caught them with their pants down, 2 or 3 Italians can operate down and hold the front there indefinitely. It's better to train your Russian Airforces in Finland and just leave them away from combat. Rarely can they gain experience against mountain units without taking major damage or inflicting little. Plus a smart axis may operate 1 Jet to Bahgdad/Syria/Mines and make a few intercepts before you gain exp. effectively destroying your Air. I may build a Air there, cost the operational cost in half, even with low Readiness effective vs inexperienced Level0s or 1s.

I notice you like to invade Turkey, if the Axis are short of Units, I've seen it work or if the Reds strategy means a fairly early surrender for Turkey. However, it's just like extending the front, and now you've got two very big problems. The Axis if they have more land units are merely able to stretch them out and know you're also thinned in Russia. Also, those Mountains are worthless for running an offensive, so you need to get the Prize or lose fairly early IMO. It gives you a pathway to Iraq but a direct Operational method for Axis to get to MidEast and a bunch of MPPs. Rarely have I seen Turkey taken if the Axis are well built up in Land Forces. In fact, never... Mountains are just too hard to attack into and Tanks, with full entrenchment work like a doozy there.

Also, it's very hard to counter effectively against German Units with 4 Bars on their HQs or a few bars on their land units. Better to retreat into the swamps, behind the rivers, etc... You cannot help the fact that the Germans get UberExperience really not unless you're an offensive Allied player, which few can do successfully without losing. I think it better to invest in LTs and LR and Jets and back off... Wait to Axis have to operate some forces to the West and then move Russian air and forces into Invasion Sweden, Snipe HQs, or UberExperienced Land Armies...

Another last very strong point, I find that invading a defended USA or Canada is impossible if the Allies just post corps. The Axis Navy is worthless over there, without Super Subs and at least Mid Atlantic Action operating not too far away from home. Sometimes 1 or 2 US Subs is a wise investment, it effectively blocks anything and they're perfect Scouts that do no alert the enemy to your presence!

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turkey invasion is usually used to extend the front so russians can get iraq; turkey itself is not neccesarily an objective. If axis leave scouts in bulgaria/romania, turkey cannot be taken but iraq is prone to fall sooner or later. Russians usually use 3 HQs and a lot of tanks/armies/airfleets - difficult to fight them unless you op move a lot of german troops. This means a tough battle and the advance into russia's heartland stopped until you op back the core axis troops. This move either will get russia the nice oil of iraq or it will buy time for western allies to get buffed.

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yeah, I've never seen it work that way HR but then again I've never seen Terif use it either!

Usually when an Ally goes for Turkey, not always now it's a desperate act I noticed. They can't find other breakthrough points, but I'd love to see it used for victory once

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Breakthrough via Caucasus and the narrow pass: here it is as Liam wrote - usually not a good idea, Axis only need a few units to stop this invasion.

But a normal Middle East invasion via Turkey will work and is a good allied strategy if executed well and under the right circumstances smile.gif .

(@Liam: if you want to see it used for victory, then you need to continue (instead of surrendering) your games even if you have not absolute superiority in all fields :D . Otherwise it is clear that in the few occasions Allies do an invasion it is only a desperate act, since they have already lost :D - would also improve your win-loss record since a lot of the games you surrender I am pretty sure you still would have a good chance to win if you would continue and fight ;) )

- often the threat of an invasion can be more valuable than the real invasion

- so when Axis prepared against such an invasion and placed a lot of units in the Middle East area: forget an invasion. But these units will be missing somewhere else: look for the weak spot and strike there.

- as long as Axis throw all forces against Russia, it is also not the best time to start a Middle East invasion. The right time is when Axis shift their forces West to fight against D-day. Then Russia can choose where it is best to strike: Finland/Skandinavia, central Russia or Turkey/Iraq - this depends on where the weak spot of the Axis is.

When Russia starts the invasion:

- first target is to cut off the Axis supply + operation possibility near Istanbul. 2-3 turns cutting off are enough for the most important second target:

- securing the border between Turkey/Iraq. Will be accomplished within 2-3 turns and after this it doesn´t matter any more if Axis can operate again into Turkey. The turkish capital can only be conquered if Axis don´t defend it, so this is only a bonus, but not the target of the operation.

- Target is to liberate Iraq/Beirut and since there is only open terrain, Russia should be able to do this within a short time. How long it takes depends on how much ressources Axis are willing to sacrifice there. But in the end Axis can only hold the Middle East if they are willing to throw most of their forces into battle and therefore to loose the war at the other fronts.

[ January 08, 2005, 11:19 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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Heh, playing you isn't like playing another Terif. You sense my weaknesses before I do and exploit them before I can react. I know exactly what the Jerrys can lose before it's too late. I think with AA and no mistakes I might have a chance in 1 in 50 games! tongue.gif Any other player I'd play on, but with you I feel you're laughing and confidant of winning totally after a certian point.

I had Kuniworth and Dalmatian both try this and both fail. Sorta the last ditch effort.. after they couldn't find a breakthroughs in the main Russian line or in the West.. ;)

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