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hi, ive been playing SC recently again and well ive gotten stuck, tatics have went out the window and am pretty much screwed. So i was hoping if any of you vets would be able to help me out.

Iam playing allies from 1941 onwards. The germans moved over my borders (the russian border that is)mainly in the center and i was able to hold them off in the north and south.

afterwards the AI focused maily on the south, so i was able to build up my forces slowly (as most of my troops were goning into the south to plug the gaps) around leningrad (the germans only made it to Riga) and moved onto take out finand.

With the lutwaffe controling the skys i forced the AI to move them to france were i been attcking in force with the RAF.

So its now like 1944, my northn forces have encircled Riga, my southern foces are still holding onto Odessa and my centeral force has pushed forward encircling and destoying the germans in the center until i got to the gates of minsk.

Now feeling quite good that iam getting somewhere(its now 1945)then within 2 months the germans forces destoyed my entire northen, southen forces and have nearly destroyed by centeral force.

a loss of around 15 armys, 17 corps, 4 tank armys and 2 airfleets. To try to take pressure off that front i invaded italy (twice the first time not so good) greece and norway. This apprantly hasnt worked and am losing there as well but not as badly.

The AI has shot back from near collaspe on the eastern front to nearly overrunning me.

I need help in this game, what can i do? :confused: plz any help would be much appericated.

(and soz for any spelling mistakes in this post and for its lenght but i thought i might as well fill you in on the situation as a whole)

[ July 23, 2003, 12:40 PM: Message edited by: DAVE the man ]

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Very interesting. Need a couple of pieces to help with the puzzle.

There should be no way to lose that much if Have have been inflicting defeat after defeat upon the hitlerites. Maybe against a Human or the AI set to expert +2.

Are you reenforcing the units to full strength?

Do your units have HQ support?

Are you leaving gaps in your line that the AI is exploiting?

The strategy guide has a lot of good info. You may wanna check there.

What it sounds like is that perhaps you are trying deep operations before the Red Army is ready.

There are so many variables here that it would be difficult to say what the problem is for sure.

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DAVE, Dan Fenton and I spent countless hours putting together a Strategy Guide to provide some help. Hint! ;)

As for your current game, your position does not sound good. It's 1945, yes? The Axis AI is still intact, experienced, and probably high-tech in certain areas. Your western Allies are exhausted in Norway, Greece, and Sicily, while USSR has lost momentum and is starting to fall back. My guess is that you launched a series of piecemeal counterattacks against the Axis in 1943 and 1944, none of which succeeded in either destroying enough Axis units or capturing enough resources to shift the balance decisively in the Allies favor. Worse, you've lost many Allied units and lost the initiative.

The good news is that Allied production should be greater than Axis based on your line in Russia, so you should be able to hold what you have while you build up again for an offensive. Focus on destroying enemy units and caputuring resources. Focus on taking southern Italy, landing in France, and pushing the Germans out of Russia. Don't worry about Norway and Greece. With some luck, you might be able to regain the initiative and pull yourself out of the mess you got into. smile.gif

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well i have a wonderfull picture of the deep brwon mess am in but it looks like i cant add it :(

i read through that guide well i made a bad error, from the start my MLR was from Riga, minisk, kiev, odessa. Which i was determedmined to keep, i lost lots of units there and lost the all the citys bar the odessa.

My guess is that you launched a series of piecemeal counterattacks against the Axis in 1943 and 1944, none of which succeeded in either destroying enough Axis units or capturing enough resources to shift the balance decisively in the Allies favor
i think this has been it, i had large ammounts of troops which i had built up in the north and the south(the whole war so far has taken place in the center and the south, th germans trying to capture odessa which i recently lost)

so i basically flanked them from the north and hit from the south, but i sent most of my northen force to retake riga (BAD MISTAKE)

What it sounds like is that perhaps you are trying deep operations before the Red Army is ready.
I pushed the germans back in most places to my border but i think i pushed a bit to far, which is when they couterattacked and thats were i am now lol.

With a toal amry now of 2 armys and 11 corps (tanks and airplanes all lost since that major counterattack plus i didnt buy any HQs i just bought troop after troop most likly another reason am scewed lol) facing the german army of 9 armys and 5 corps with 3 tank (1 being an itlain light tank group)

Are you leaving gaps in your line that the AI is exploiting?
all through this game the northen front has been basically non existaent, i built up a force to take finland and to couterattack (which i shouldnt have done) an entrached enemy at riga which was all of the german northen units (actully it was itialian lol)

lmao i just checked out the losses, well saying that its 70000, each unit (i cant remember a number for how many armys or corps ive had) it is close to 9 million allied KIA :eek: to the germans 2 and half million KIA. lmao

just to say the story is more happy with the western allies, they have HQs, and the advance into the balkens has went well, scierly is mostly mine, and am was on a steady advnce towards rome until that bloody panzer group got pulled back there, thats mashed up my american tank group which was near :(

[ July 23, 2003, 02:38 PM: Message edited by: DAVE the man ]

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