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CNN; Kuniworth makes statement; Im not a nazi prison guard


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CNN; Kuniworth Almighty announced today that he was chocked to hear the so called "evidence" put forward about his identity. Later in the week, player disorder accused the famous player of beeing a nazi-prison camp guard, other rumours talked about Kuni beeing gay.

"Im very angry and will slain all of those hedons, the Kuni religion is the true way of life and will give mi strength to challenge this evil evildoer. I will fight him in his own lair - the cheating pbem-reloading cave - and by god I will prevail! Let him pick scenario and I will pick sides, this will be a just and good war. Order will be restored in the kingdom"

If disorder accept the challenge CNN will bring you the game live - a match to the death between two of the SC world's most exciting players, or at least Kuniworth. This is turning out to be a personal war - maybe the clash of the century?

[ August 10, 2003, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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