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AAR: Mini-Terif VS Liam


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with the 1:8 system 150 Liam Axis Powers and Terif of course Allied Powers

Poland is crushed one turn late pushing Russian Readiness along with their tenacious Danish Allies. German U-boat taskforce in The Atlantic does some damage on Mainline British French combo cruisers and Battleships. though are sunk like clockwork

Germany pushes through Lowlands before any Nation surrenders halts up and awaits Eastern Front Reinforcements... France is fairly tough, though there seems to be an endless supply of BEF corps supporting their Mainland Ally... Something is suspicious

The Allies invade Spain and soon after France Falls. British and German fleets volley attacks in The N.Sea costing the British but not direly enough...Germany never claims Naval supremacy in the N.Sea and never pushes into England because of it's vast reserves of French and this will be a longterm strategic mistake... Italy Joins and germans Develop Jet1. There are hit and miss attacks in the Med, Germans have a hard time as all the British are held up in Spain until mid '41 and DOWing Portugal and Ireland has given England a hellish MPP plunder to work with. Although the Germans control the skies never quite committing to one front to put away the Royal Navy<and this is how Terif controlled Spain slow retreat with his UKRN>. The Royal Navy and British Egyptian Detachments with a HQs manage to prevent our famous leader Kliest from claiming the MiddleEast as a whole victory despite the destruction of all of UK landbased air and the capture of Alexandria and it's port...

The Brits keep the Italian Navy stalled with it's prolonged control of Spain and tenacious Gibraltar Corps...Preserving much of his Navy and all 3 carriers... Though still Jet0

Germany reaches Jet2 LR F.1 and moves in position to invade the USSR. With it's great economic boosts due to recent reforms in the nation and seeing the Rise of the German Eagle she is fully prepared. A foolish mistake from the German HQ passes down orders to attempt to invade Finland which is shockingly well defended all troops from their but one corps get transported down to Yugoslavia and the front is set in stone. With Air supiority and Norway-Sweden-Spain-Portugal-Vichy in our hands we play on a few turns. Rising US Readiness, the presence Brits pounding Brest and a mere 500ish MPP range and no Axis Minors having joind<not a one> Germany finally capitulates. The Suez was never broken a key factor. I would have continued this war had I been able to break the Brits back in the Suez and taken Iraq..

Russia had Zhukov Timoshenko already within a round or two. I only had 2 level 7 HQs, Bock and Rommel<though towards the end> I felt very time pressed from the possability of Experienced British Carrier fleets and US reinforcements...

I believe Terif thinks I surrendered a tad early. If it wasn't for his exactness with his operations this game could've gone either way. A man that really holds you to a Front till the End.

Intrigueing game I wish I had some Screenies to show you guys

[ August 10, 2003, 05:29 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]

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An allied photographer made some top secret screenshots. After war is over he has permission to present them in public:

Spain September 1, 1940


Spain March 30, 1941:


End of war March 3, 1942:






Intelligence reported:

Germany reached Lv2 jets, Lv1 LR (6 airfleets). UK still at Lv1 jets, Lv0 LR(0 airfleets, 3 carriers). Russia no tech(3 airfleets).

Surprisingly Axis surrendered, despite a not too bad position. Egypt and Iraq would have fallen soon if Axis had moved some reinforcements in position (2 airfleets already there). UK out of order after they lost everything in Spain and Egypt (no airfleet or invasion force left). An invasion in the west only possible together with USA in 10 turns or later. Russia and Germany nearly at the same mpp level per turn. There Axis had a problem. War would have been decided in Romania/Hungary. Both sides had nearly the same strength except the tech and experience advantage of Germany.

Axis had 10-15 turns to break Russsias defence until Allies would invade in the west. If they would not have achieved it until then, they really would have lost, but at this stage of war the outcome was not clear.

BTW: you can post screenshots by saving them at your harddisk and posting them at an image hosting site - then use the image button at the post reply site and insert the URL to the screenshot.

E.g. I use www.picturetrail.com to upload my screenshots. There you can create a free trial account. After 31 days it expires and you can create another one... ;) .

[ August 11, 2003, 06:35 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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