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Russian/German border readines thing is absolutely stupid


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This has been an interesting thread, but what I don't understand is all the anger ?

I have never played a wargame that combines Germany and Russia that allows either to ignore the other.

I take it for granted ie I am "expecting" Germany to launch an attack on Russia in summer of 41.

I take it for granted, that if the Germans totally ball it up prior to summer of 41, that the Russians will pounce on them while they are down.

I take it for granted, that Germany might find it advantageous to attack Russia earlier than summer 41 if it wants to take a stab at a great risk in doing so.

But I have busted my butt in numerous wargames of grand strategy for this event (WW2), and I find it damned near impossible to mount my attack on Russia sooner, and a bad idea to do it later.

The US I expect to enter in 42. And if the russians are not on life support by the end of 42, I am contemplating a german win based on refusing to die.

Therefore, I find it curious trying to contemplate anything else much.

I don't really even spend the time wondering about Russian or US readiness actually. I could care less about it.

[ December 01, 2003, 03:18 PM: Message edited by: Les the Sarge 9-1 ]

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When I play as Germany I take the perspective of the Commanding General(s). I pretend to leave the decisions on who to go to war with to the politicians.

Then I as the Commanding General have to make the best of a none-ideal situation. This gives playing Germany a greater challenge. I often enjoy 1944 type scenarios. The Allies have (or are about to) landed, Africa is lost, Italy has left the Axis, and the German Army is in retreat in Russia.

Like I said, making the best out of a bad military situation. For me this is much more fun and challenging than to see how quickly and efficiently Germany can "conquer the world".

It also usually means I lose, but it still a lot of fun. Something about fighting to the bitter end I guess.

But that is just me.

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Hey zeppelin, I spose there is just something about far stronger enemies coming from you from all sides and you capping them off one by one until you are finally overrun that gets some adrenalin going huh?

Anyone into WW2 and shooter games and a decent PC should try Call of Duty. It's not that realistic (even thought it is the most realistic WW2 shooter game i've seen) and its very linair (play it once, put it on the shelve) but the intensity is completely mind blowing.

I think a similar effect can be created (but is harder) in a game like SC. For instance when im playing a French defence I know its going to fall (except when im playing Les :D ) I still give it all i've got usually, I literally go up and cheer if I kill a german tank group. Fighting a losing battle is just more intense I suppose.

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