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Strat bombing: build exp?

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OK, I've seen the remarks about how (especially) the UK can build experience for its air units by bombing harbours and units/resources in Western Europe before D-day.

I've tried this, but it seems a losing proposition: the air unit (fleet or bomber) will get some xp from this, but will also now and again suffer losses from AA (leaving aside possible interceptions for the time being)

Rebuilding the unit costs significantly more than the damage inflicted and will also wipe out the xp.

What am I doing wrong?

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You lose experience in % whenever you reinforce your units.

I'll come back on that later.

If you want to start strat-bombing you gotta find an empty city or a port in your reach. Since these facilities have AA defenses you will need to use your strategic bomber first because it deals most damage. As soon as the facility is damaged enough (the number turns black and orange I think) you can use airfleets with low risk of them getting damaged (unless interepted ofcourse) You can even use ships to bombard ports or citys at a low risk now.

Basically what's important is that you get .25 exp every time your unit I attack (unless I got the numbers wrong). And as said, when you reinforce a unit with a max strenght of 10 by 1 then it loses 10% experience. So you need to balance reinforcing and attacking. You can have a 3 bar 6 strenght airfleet, or a 1.5 bar 12 strenght airfleet. You gotta balance unit strenght and experience loss, there is no real system for it, it depends on the game situation.

In the long run you should gain experience though, if not you are doing something wrong (probably attacking non-weakened targets with normal airfleets)

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