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The Sicilian Gambit

Edwin P.

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Here's a relatively safe strategy that has often diverted the Axis player and Axis AI from a proper invasion of Russia, reduces Italian production, and possibly destroys several Italian and German Units.

Sicilian Gambit- A less risky version of the Italian Gambit

Summary: Allied player seizes Sicily and Bari on the first turn after Italy enters the war, destroys the Italian navy and defends the Sicilian straits, a one hex front, against all comers with 3 Carriers, 2 battleships, 3 air fleets and an Army unit supported by a UK HQ Unit. Note: Bari usually falls to axis counter attacks in 3 to 5 turns. This gives time for the Brits to reinforce their position in Sicily.

Execution: Most UK (including the two carriers in the North Atlantic) & French Naval forces move to Sicily, The Canadian Army and two corps move to the coast of Sicily screened by the Allied Naval forces. A UK Corps moves to the western coast of Italy opposite Bari. Air units operate to French Algeria to support the Attack on Sicily.

Turn 1: Italy Enters War > Italian Navy Attacks UK Fleet? > Allies invade Sicily and capture Salerno , Allies capture Bari

Turn 2: Allies move air fleets to Sicily and the Canadian Army Entrenches in the Straits while Sicily awaits a UK HQ unit and a UK Army Unit. UK Fleets engages and sinks Italian Fleet. The Canadian Corps moves north to Bari so that the Axis can only attack on a 2 hex front, not a 3 hex front.

Once the UK HQ unit arrives in Sicily all UK units in Sicily can be reinforced to 10 each turn and UK air will be at maximum readiness. If the Axis tries to take Sicily without total air support those attackers will be destroyed by a combined attack of 3 Air units (1 French Fleet and 2 UK fleets) based in Sicily, shore bombardments and the attacks of 3 UK Carriers. If the Axis moves Air support in range the UK air fleets and 3 carriers can usually destroy it, especially if the UK has Long Range Tech Level 1.

While waiting for the Axis attack on Sicily the Allied Fleet should practice bombardments of the Italian Army unit in the libyian city south of Malta to build up experience.

What can go wrong?

1. If France Falls before Sicily falls the UK will lose all Air units based in French Algeria.

2. After sinking the Italian Navy the UK Player must rush excess naval units back to the UK to Guard against an Axis Sea Lion. (Leave the 3 carriers and 3 other naval units in the Med to help defend Sicily).

3. Allies bombard the attacking Axis units with Carrier based units first, instead of luring out any Axis combat air patrols with their land based fleets. Carrier damage can be repaired to a maxiumum of 8 locally, air fleets can be repaired to a strength of 10 locally.

[ May 07, 2003, 04:44 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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