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I played a couple rounds as Allies yesterday and noticed the Germans are able to pillage about 1000 MPPs when France surrenders, which is about the total amount of MPPs I was able to spend as France during the several turns fighting for survival. Does anyone else find this strange?

Maybe give the conquerer an immediate MPP boost equal to the captured production, but don't have pillaging from non-existent treasuries. I'd rather see higher revenues per turn following a country's defeat instead of a one-time bonus.

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Originally posted by Bill Macon:

Maybe give the conquerer an immediate MPP boost equal to the captured production, but don't have pillaging from non-existent treasuries. I'd rather see higher revenues per turn following a country's defeat instead of a one-time bonus.

Historically the Nazis stole way more than what was produced in the last few months - they pinched everything that wasn't nailed down and if it was nailed down they pinched the nails to prove they could have had it if they'd wanted it.
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The amount of MPPs gained may or may not be perfectly historical, but -- to the victor goes the spoils! :D

This seems to simulate the idea that you are now REWARDED for a tactical accomplishment, and now you have extra monies to continue your onslaught. This can be viewed as MOMENTUM and the headiness that comes from high morale and winning one for the home team. Onward!

All the other rewards are more concrete -- this is the chance to wear the laurels (... at least until USA begins to flex the muscles). :eek:

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I take it that you guys are content with this reward system and sense of instant gratification.

While Germany did historically plunder France and others, it took time and did not happen immediately. I assume SC uses a combination of pillaging and then percentage of normal production for captured resources. It may be more appropriate to reduce the pillaging and increase the production percentages to create a somewhat more realistic effect over time.

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