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User Campaigns Wanted


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I'm in the Toronto International Airport right now, but I managed to get into one of those internet cafe booths.

I read a timely thread started by Bloody Bucket, this one:


So, since the game is now available, and after BB's great suggestion. I am officially starting the First SC User Campaign Contest. I don't have anything on my site right now, but as soon as I finish moving to Chicago I will add information about the contest to the SCHQ. I will also need some help from reviewers here, I'm tentatively looking for a panel of 5 reviewers. Priority will be given to the Beta Boys. More details upon my arrival in the windy city.

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The one campaign I'm interested in modding is the 39 scenario, and only to reduce initial forces for everyone by about 25% and provide their MPPs at start for purchase of alternate forces. Just to provide some historical flexibility without skewing the war too much, and you or the AI could still build the historical forces if desired. There are certainly other options available, but I'm not too concerned with alternate history scenarios for the later years. You can rewrite the 43 scenario to pretend Stalingrad didn't happen, but what's the point? That's just my opinion FWIW.

The best thing about Third Reich in the good old days was the strategy articles which appeared in The General over the years. The best were compiled into a Gamer's Guide after the 4th Edition was released, and these were all well written essays based on years of gameplay experience. There wasn't much interest in generating new or alternate scenarios, even though they would have been easy to do. So anyway, in addition to a user campaign repository (which I'm not opposing here), some way of collecting and posting strategy articles about Strategic Command should be considered. Perhaps even a formal submittal and review process for publication in a monthly/quarterly electronic newsletter. WWII grand strategy is the raw meat of this game, not the scenario setups.

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Bill, that is a good idea in regards to the '39 campaign. Some more latitude in strategic direction would add interest.

The garden of ideas regarding strategy in WWII is a well tilled one, but some articles on how strategy relates to the game would be welcome.

There will be a group of people who look at SC as a game to be won, or played against an opponent with as close a contest as the game will allow. Some will view it as a tool that lets you tinker with history. Others will look at it as a kind of puzzle to be solved. Scenario designers will be able to provide these groups with fresh challenges, so I think there is room for additions here.

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What pussles me is that in the '41, '42, '43, and '44 campaign, there are virtually no Axis forces on the westfront!

Now I don't see the historical factor in this. I recall a quote from Rommel, "I have 500.000 men defending the shores, but I have no idea where the enemy will attack, so where to deploy them?", or atleast it went something like that.

After all, Germany lost about 250.000 men in Normandie if I remember correctly. Where's the units?? :rolleyes: 2nd SS Panzer and all that? How can we have a Falaise pocket, if there are no Germans to surround?

A 1940 campaign with more units for all, based on historical warmaps, is probably what I'll work on smile.gif Germany had 3 HQ's historically against France, UK had subs etc., I'll post when I've done it so you can see what you think of it


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