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SC2 - Selectable Atlantic Convoy Routes

Edwin P.

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During WWII the Allies often changed their Convoy routes to avoid German Wolf packs.

This could be reflected in SC by allowing the Allies to select 1 of 3 routes semi-annually (or annually). German Wolfpacks would have to relocate to stop the merchant ship convoys to the UK and there would be at least 1 month during which shipping could slip past the German subs.

1. North Atlantic Route - From NY to Canada to Greenland to Uk - Not Selectable in Winter Months due to Weather and large ice flows.

2. Direct Route to UK

3. South Atlantic Route - to Equator - to Spain and then up to UK.

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Good idea.

The Germans allowed their U-boat captains to claim tonnages sunk and post them on their boats, but for a more accurate idea of what they sunk they checked insurance claims posted in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.

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My big honkin' message covered this: the Allies

can draw, and redraw, their own routes (I

suggested 3 hexes wide], as can any country with

a cross-water convoy route. Should be relatively

painless and yes force the Jerries to shift their

raiders around...

John DiFool

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I liked your message with its 7 points (especially stacking in ports). I offer another option for convoys with 3 preset routes and weather effects.

As for the width of the convoy routes. Why not make it user selectable? With 3 hex and 1 hex wide options for the allied player.

3 hex wide is easier for the Germans to find and if found each sub can intradict about 1/3 of the shipments. 3 subs can intradict about 100% of the shipments.

1 hex wide is much harder for the Germans to find but 1 wolf pack can intradict about 70% or more of the merchant shipments and 2 Wolf Packs about 100% of the Shipments.

So Allied Convoy Options Now Include;

1> Which Convoy Route to Use (1 or 2 or 3, only 2 in winter)

2> How Wide Should the Convoy Route Be (1 or 3 hexes)

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Should the Length of Convoy Routes Affect MPPs?

Shorter convoy routes allow merchant ships to make the Atlantic crossing and return in less time. This increases the amount of aid that can be shipped to Great Britain.

If selectable convoy routes or player mapped convoy routes are used in SC2 then I would give a MPP bonus if the shorter route is selected.

Example: Base MPP 40MPP

Long Route - 40 MPP transferred to GB

Direct Route - 50 MPP transferred to GB

Thus the choice is not only which route will avoid German Subs but also which route will maximize MPP income to GB.

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Hello Edwin

May The Lord help our American and Ally troops be safe and victorious in Iraq.

Before the US came into WW2 it took command of the western half of the North Atlantic Ocean and patroled it and fought U-Boats from Nov 1940 thru Dec 1941. The US Navy took charge of Iceland and Greenland to help the RN concentrate on the Eastern half of the ocean.

Somehow this should be incorporated into your Convoy scheme.

Also how about setting up convoys in SC to support Troop Ships. The subs would have to take on the ASW ships before destroying Troops Ships.

USN PBY Catalina's helped patrol the gap between England and Canada from Iceland, so that U-boats could be detected and destroyed before attacking convoys.

Hitler told Donnetz not to attack American Destroyers or Ships fearing to draw the US into War while still fighting England, and later Russia. But once the Japs attacked Peril Hitler declared war on the US.

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