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The bugs and flaws are gone. Now remains some balancing 1.07 patch


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One more post referring to von Brauns WonderWeapons. Originally shown up in the context of whether 'Nazism' is finally defeated. Dont believe the hype


Immagini di repertorio su UFO e fenomeni paranormali

-6 As you arrive at HQ, you are hurriedly congratulated by your commanding officer and whisked by car to a nearby airstrip, where you and he board a specially modified JU-88. The plane quickly takes off, your destination, Switzerland, and then beyond. As a high ranking and decorated SS officer, you are the benefactor of a special "postwar" plan. The weather in Buenos Aires is very pleasant this time of year.

[ December 19, 2002, 10:02 PM: Message edited by: JayJay_H ]

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Bullwinkle --

"Hey Jersey - I liked the Bullwinkle clip. Thanks for the entertainment! (there's never enough of that!) "

Thanks for the good word -- love those Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons as well, got a lot of mileage out of the two I can use but can't find a good source of other characters like Dudley DoRight and Snidely Whiplash. Haven't given up, though!


You've outdone yourself -- It's even greater than before.

If they weren't impressed with Professor von Badenov's combination FlyingSquirrel-ParatroopMoose/Rocket Blaster, then this certainly ought to do the trick!

Why, they'd be fools not to surrender.

--- * ---


". . . Edward R. Murrow reporting from war shattered Europe. All is quiet here tonight. Yet, even amid the tenuous hush of hard earned and ruinous victory comes ominous rumors of strange flying discs weaving about the South American skys.

"Tales with implications too horrific even to contemplate, sightings of terrible advanced weapons seen over Brazilian jungles ominously bearing the Black Iron Cross of such recent infamy.

"Signing off this time till next time, Edward R. Murrow whishing you goodnight, and good luck."

--- * ---

Over a secret Arizona testing area the United States conducts it's own research. . . ..


--- * ---

"Being a nationalized French citizen isn't so bad except for trying to breathe this lousy oxygen rich, methane poor atmosphere. Then again, the way they keep building those huge cars and belching smoke out those chimneys, who knows, in another few years this atmosphere could contain just about anything!"


[ December 19, 2002, 11:06 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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