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Report in SC2


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Hi all

I don't know if this has been mentioned or asked before but I sure like to have this included in SC2: A considderably improved report window.

Things I would like to see:


Losses listed seperately for GB / USA / USSR / FR / allied minors / GER / Italy / axis minors plus a general loss report listing axis and allied losses as it is now.


Losses not stated in the catagories ground / air / sea, but in the actual types of units: corps, armies, tanks, rockets, HQs (with the mames), airfleets, bombers, cruisers, battleships, carriers, subs.

I'm often finding myself sitting infront of the computer, having paper and pencil ready to put down, what specific unit I kill.

I think a better report would be a great help.

What do you think?


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A small option I'd like to see is an automatic numbering system for new units.

You choose this option and all of your existing units are numbered starting with one (1st, 2nd etc, without panzer or Luftflotte, just a number so if you have three air fleets they become 1-2-3 and the next one built is 4 etc.). The Malta AF becomes 3rd AF or whatever, with 1 & 2 in the UK. The naval units for each country become BB1-2-3 etc, CV1, CA1 instead of having a name and the computer automatically numbers each new one incrementally.

This would make things simpler both in private games and also in playing IP or PBEM as a player won't be able to give two or more units identical names! Yes, there are real life parrelels, but on this level we can assume entire corps and armies would be correctly identified!

This should only be an option, of course, by toggling it off the units would have their player assigned numbers, toggle it on and the computer does the simple bookkeeping.

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