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In the German invasion of Norway took the country with 12,000 men, and the only real resistance was the British-French expiditionary force. In this game it takes a player about 2 armys,2 crops, and 2-3 air, that is juist wierd. I think the game should make NO Bergen Corps and put the other one at 0% readiness and like 3 supply, any other sugestions?

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Agreed entirely. It might not be so bad if Oslo didn't go back up to full stregnth after each turn. Taking Norway requires so many troops on my part that I've found afterwards they remain to be reorganized so the same Troops (minus two corps) can move east to take Sweden.

I tried to sidestep this using the scenario editor. Figuring a stumbling block in the game involves MPPs for Britain and the control of Iraq, I made a little compromise. experimenting with a scenario where Iraq, Portugal and Ireland are British with Sweden being German.

The results have worked out well. Britain can afford to do things she doesn't ordinarily do, like build some units! And Germany, using the Swedish Army & Airforce is able to conquer Norway in a single turn with the aid of two Luftflottes in northernmost Denmark. Oddly enough, they generally accomplish this by April of 1940. The airfleets return to the Low Countries region and everything proceeds on schedule. In Norway, one Swedish Army goes to each city with their airfleet near Bergen to make it more difficult for the Allies to hit it. The Corps returns to Stokholm.

I know this is totally against history, but somehow it works out well for both sides and I haven't got a problem with it. Naturally, not everyone goes for this sort of manipulation of minors. That's their privledge; creating my own scenarios is mine! smile.gif

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