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Frankfurt am main (that better straha?)

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In future editors will we be able to add cities?for instance, Frankfurt would be a nice addition, as it would help bolster the reich's last defensive line, however i know why it was left out, as it would be in the hex directly adjacent to Berlin.

What other cities would you like to see added?

[ August 06, 2002, 01:34 PM: Message edited by: Carl Von Mannerheim ]

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You mean Frankfurt an der Oder? Though the last major battle on the eastern front was there, it is simply not important enough.

Of course, I would never object to making the editor more powerful. ;) At the moment I feel it is too restrictive. I especially think we should be able to change the setup of forces for nations not at war at the beginning of a scenario.


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Well, as placing cities means changing features of the map, what this really amounts to is to integrate a map editor. Sure would be cool.

Unfortunately, we will not get one. Hubert already stated quite some time ago that we will not get accessibility to the map (and that most probably even future games will not go into that direction).

The only thing we can do is to mod the sprites for the cities.


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